HH Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Crown Prince of Dubai, has once again shared an adorable family photo on his Instagram. The post shows HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, and Sheikh Hamdan holding a stroller with the latter’s two twin children, Rashid and Shaikha, whose faces have been covered with heart emojis by the prince. This one-of-a-kind photo featuring three generations of the Dubai royal family has reached approximately 500,000 likes in less than one day, and was also commented on by other members of the family including HH Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, and HH Sheikha Mozah Al Maktoum.
Currently, the royals are spending their summer holiday in the UK. In the photo, the twins are seen wrapped up in their seats with their helmets on as they stroll down a scenic garden that appears to be the royal family’s vacation spot in the country. Sheikh Hamdan captioned this wholesome picture with three hearts – red, blue, and pink.
The Crown Prince appears to be having an eventful summer, complete with quality time with the family in the UK. He has shared many other highlights from his trip, including his visit with the twins to the stables, and a unique video of his”racing pigeons”.
This isn’t the first time Sheikh Mohammed has been pictured with his grandchildren. Shortly after their birth last year, the Dubai ruler was seen in yet another heartwarming family photo of him cradling the twins in his arms, at what may have been his residence.
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