Singer-songwriter turned fashion designer Rihanna has reportedly separated from her long-time beau, Saudi businessman Hassan Jameel. The couple initially connected in June 2017, and have since then kept their relationship very private. In June 2019, Rihanna conceded during a discussion with Sarah Paulson for Interview magazine that she was “of-course” in love with Jameel. She added, “I got into a new relationship, and it matters to me. It was like, ‘I need to make time for this.’ Just like I nurture my businesses, I need to nurture this as well,” Until now, neither Rihanna or Hassan Jameel have officially confirmed the news of them parting ways yet.
During an interview with Anna Wintour not long ago, Rihanna mentioned that “she’s dating” and said, “I’m actually in an exclusive relationship for quite some time, and it’s going really well, so I’m happy.” The couple appeared to be going strong this summer as they were spotted vacationing on a luxury cruise ship off of Italy‘s Amalfi coast along with the Saudi billionaire’s family. What’s more, the duo also celebrated Rihanna’s birthday by watching the Los Angeles Lakers play against the Houston Rockets at the Staples Center in Los Angeles earlier this year.
Jameel is the Deputy President and Vice Chairman of Saudi Arabia operations of the family-owned international conglomerate business Adbul Latif Jameel which, among numerous business operations, has distribution rights to Toyota vehicles in Saudi Arabia and other nations. Not only that but Jameel is also involved in philanthropy work concerning the advancement of wellbeing and security issues and helping job-seekers and those out of luck, in Saudi Arabia. The businessman was reportedly involved with supermodel Naomi Campbell before meeting Rihanna.
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