Kim Kardashian West has announced the end of her family’s reality show, Keeping Up with the Kardashians. The long-running show is set to end after 14 years and 20 seasons, in early 2021. The E! show which first aired in 2007, has catapulted the family to fame, with Kardashian West and her siblings, parents, and partners giving new life to reality TV.
Kardashian West took to Instagram on Tuesday to announce the news, “It is with heavy hearts that we’ve made the difficult decision as a family to say goodbye to Keeping Up With the Kardashians,” she said. “After what will be 14 years, 20 seasons, hundreds of episodes and numerous spin-off shows, we are beyond grateful to all of you who’ve watched us for all of these years – through the good times, the bad times, the happiness, the tears, and the many relationships and children. We’ll forever cherish the wonderful memories and countless people we’ve met along the way”.
The show, which has become one of E! network’s most popular and successful shows, offers viewers a candid glimpse into the lives of one of the world’s most influential celebrity families. When the show first aired the family was relatively unknown, however, it has since proven to have been a launchpad for many members of the Kardashian family to create fashion and beauty empires. Sisters Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, Kylie, and Kendall have all achieved huge success since the show began 14 years ago. Initially, the show focused on Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe, along with their manager, mom Kris Jenner, with a focus on their entrepreneurial exploits and relationships. However, in subsequent seasons younger sisters Kylie and Kendall Jenner became more prominent features, and have both since gone on to achieve equal fame to their elder siblings.
Eldest sister Kourtney Kardashian made her Vogue Arabia cover debut for the July/August 2020 issue and discussed her thoughts around the reality show and her desire to venture into something new. “I have been filming the show non-stop for 14 years… I was feeling unfulfilled and it became a toxic environment for me to continue to have it occupy as much of my life as it was,” she said. “Privacy is something I have come to value and finding that balance of private moments with being on a reality show is hard. People have this misconception that I don’t want to work, which isn’t true. I am following my happiness and putting my energy into that which makes me happy.”
Read Next: Vogue Cover Star Kourtney Kardashian Talks Life After Keeping Up With The Kardashians