Maybe they were not ‘the one’, Aquarius. Maybe they were simply a lesson. Maybe they came into your life to hold up a mirror and help you recognize the unhealed aspects of yourself. Instead of holding onto the idea of what could have been, bring the gift of acceptance to the table. Get back into the rhythm and flow of life as you redirect your energy towards yourself. Taurus, you’ve cast your spell. You’ve set your intention and visualized in your mind’s eye what you want to create in the physical. Now, get out of your head and into the portal of your heart. Focus on what you can do in order to nurture the seeds you’ve planted with love. Before you know it, you will have crossed the threshold. Before you know it, you will be in the life you dreamed of a long, long time ago. Sagittarius, you are magic! You are the version of yourself you envisioned a long time ago. So stop lowering your standards, beautiful. Stop accepting less than what you deserve. Eclipse season reminder: want more for yourself and expect the Universe to meet you where you are.
So, what does the week ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s explore!
You are in it, Aries! You are in the life you manifested for yourself a long, long time ago, and things are only going to get better as you move forward and onwards from here. So, send a prayer of gratitude. Send a prayer of gratitude to the mysterious forces, above and below. At the same time, practice the fine art of surrender. Instead of playing tug-of-war with the forces, allow things to unfold as they must. Everything is working out as per the law of divine timing, and this is something you are being reminded of.
You’ve cast your spell, Taurus. You’ve set your intention and visualized in your mind’s eye what you want to create in the physical. Now, get out of your head and into the portal of your heart. Focus on what you can do in order to nurture the seeds you’ve planted with love. Before you know it, you will have crossed the threshold. Before you know it, you will be in the life you dreamed of a long, long time ago. What you need to remember, now and in every moment: the Universe is your co-conspirator on this journey and the Universe is *always* on your side.
You’re learning. You’re learning that you don’t have to bend yourself backwards in order to please other people. You’re learning that you don’t have to diminish your own needs in order to make others comfortable. Most importantly, you’re learning that boundaries are a form of self-care and that you don’t have to over-explain yourself at every point. A reminder from the mysterious forces above and below: you are loved just for being you—nothing less, nothing more.
It’s easy to wallow in pity, Cancer. Easier to see yourself as the victim in this story. Word for the wise: it’s time to change the narrative. It’s time to bring the gift of acceptance to the table. Start by giving yourself the permission to feel those big feelings, cry those ginormous tears and hold space for the messy emotions. This will give you the power to honor your truth and express that which is yearning to be expressed, beautiful. Words of wisdom by author and motivational speaker Brené Brown you want to remember, now and for the rest of the week: “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”
Now is *not* the time to mope about what isn’t working out. Now is the time to realize that the Universe is working in your favor and that the Universe is eliminating from your path that which is *not* in alignment with your highest and greatest good. You are being challenged to grow, Leo! You are being challenged to level up. You are being challenged to create space for the manifestation of your wildest dreams and deepest desires.
The trouble is, you’re too hung up on “the how” and “the why”. You’re too hung up on the manner in which you want things to manifest in your life. But, your resistance is *not* working in your favor right now. So, replace the rigidity with fluidity. Allow for new ideas and inspiration to come through. There is another way, Virgo, and that is something the cards are encouraging you to become cognizant of in the days to come.
But, you are gold, baby! You are the version of yourself you envisioned a long time ago. So, stop lowering your standards, will you? Instead of ‘making peace’ with yet another half-love, want more for yourself and expect the Universe to meet you there. Something tells us the change starts with you, beautiful. Remember, in order to make space for what you truly desire and deserve, you will have to eliminate anything or anybody that is *not* a vibrational match for you. Move into a space of deep surrender as you remember that the divine plan is *always* working in your favor.
We get it, Scorpio! Eclipse season has been quite the bumpy ride for you. You’ve had to let go of more than you were prepared to, and then some more. But, could it be that the Universe is working in your favor rather than against you? Could it be that it is going out of its way to create a fertile environment for your evolution and growth? Word for the wise: give thanks for it all as you embrace the opportunity to let go of the old story and step into the version of you that you envisioned a long time ago.
But, you are magic, Sagittarius! You are the version of yourself you envisioned a long time ago. So, stop lowering your standards, beautiful. Stop accepting less than what you deserve. Eclipse season reminder: want more for yourself and expect the Universe to meet you where you are. Oh, and one more thing! Remember that the process of levelling up will require you to let go of anything or anybody that is not in alignment with your highest and greatest good. Give yourself the permission to loosen the grip, beautiful. Give yourself the permission to recognize your role as the co-creator of your reality as you become one with rhythm and flow.
Maybe it wasn’t meant to work out in the way you hoped for it to. Maybe it was meant to be a karmic lesson. Maybe it was a wake-up call for you to tap into your warrior spirit and eliminate that which is no longer in alignment with your sacred purpose. Eclipse season sees you stepping into a period of cleansing and purging, Capricorn. Honor this as an opportunity to create space for the life you have always dreamed of. We want to let you in on a secret: by moving into a space of allowance, you become the eye of the storm.
Maybe they were not ‘the one’. Maybe they were simply a lesson. Maybe they came into your life to hold up a mirror and help you recognise the unhealed aspects of yourself. Instead of holding onto the idea of what could have been, bring the gift of acceptance to the table. Get back into the rhythm and flow of life as redirect your energy towards yourself. It’s time to move into a space of allowance, Aquarius. It’s time to drop the questions and trust that the Universe is working overtime to bring into your life the love you desire and deserve.
We get it, Pisces. You feel like the Pandora’s Box of trauma has been opened and that you’re having to deal with the deepest and darkest aspects of you. What you need to remember is that you have chosen this experience. That your higher self is consciously creating circumstances that are helping you level up and become the brightest, boldest and most radiant version of yourself. So, take the given challenges in your stride, beautiful. As you do, drop the many questions. Now is *not* the time to intellectualize your experience. It’s time to laugh, to sing, to dance, to paint as you become one with the rhythm and flow of life.