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Your Weekly Horoscope: February 28, 2022 to March 6, 2022

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Artwork: Rohan Hande

All your prayers have been heard and all your wishes are waiting in transit to be answered. We repeat: All your prayers have been heard and all your wishes are waiting in transit to be answered. So, have unyielding faith even when things seem topsy-turvy in your world. Something good is going to come out of this situation. Something unexpected. Something you always wanted but didn’t quite have the chance to experience first hand. Remember, the Universe is a kind and loving parent that wants the best and only the best for you.

So, what’s in store for each of the signs? Let’s explore.



Not everything is meant to last forever, Aries. Understanding this will help you let go where you need to *and* liberate you from old cycles. But that doesn’t mean you won’t feel like your heart is being torn into a million little pieces. Give yourself the time you need to grieve without making the pain and suffering a part of your story. The good news is, things on the professional front are looking up for you. You are making steady progress and moving closer to the realization of your goals.



This is a time of hope and healing, Taurus. A time of releasing past trauma and transmuting the darkness into light. What a long way you have come, beautiful! What a long way you have come! All the lessons you have learned on this journey will help you guide those who are now walking this path. As far as your professional pursuits are concerned, you’re being asked to maintain a low-key approach. In other words, know what to share and what to keep private. You’ll know when it’s time to let the world in on your little secret.



Buckle your seatbelts, Gemini. It’s going to be a chaotic week. A time when the best-laid plans could fall apart unexpectedly. At moments such as these, it will be easy for you to play victim or blame your circumstances for what’s going wrong and why. Consider this: things are happening *for* you, not to you. You are being protected from something that could potentially be detrimental to your growth. So, step into the role of the observer and let go of that which has served its purpose in your story.



All your prayers have been heard and all your wishes are waiting in transit to be answered. This is a beautiful time for you, even though it doesn’t necessarily seem so on the outside. Trust that the Universe is preparing you to receive what you have asked for, rather than punishing you. A good way to raise your vibration at this time is to stay connected to your spiritual practices. Pray, chant, sing, dance, practice yoga and do some breath work. The more you remain in your centre, the easier this transition will get for you.



Take a moment to reflect on all the things that didn’t work out for you in the past. The pain of being rejected was real, Leo. But it also taught you a significant life lesson, which is that the Universe is a kind and loving parent that’s always protecting you. So, keep that in mind when you face disillusionment this week. What is meant to be yours will always find its way into your existence. The affirmation ‘The law of divine timing is always working in my favor’ will help you survive.



Delays and difficulties are likely to be a constant in the Virgo HQ. Instead of getting caught up in the narrative that things never work out for you, pay attention to what the Universe is showing you. This will help you realign with the grand plan and forge onwards with newfound clarity. But it’s not just about work, work, work. Wellness is going to be an important theme in the coming week too. Word for the wise: consider starting your day with a run in the park, followed by a meditation that helps you stay calm.



We’ve all had our share of heartbreaks, Libra. We’ve all been let down at some point or the other by those we love. But, should the past baggage be the reason you stop taking chances or believing in love? Something to think about as you sip on your morning coffee, beautiful. You have attracted this soulful connection into your life for a reason. It’s safe for you to open your heart again.



Your circumstances may or may not have transformed drastically, but your attitude towards them certainly has. You are no longer governed by your past and are able to approach the present from a place of wisdom. Trust that the ability to stay in your centre will help you make the right decisions. For some of you, a connection from back in the day could resurface. A connection you didn’t quite have the chance to explore. Not having your rose-tinted glasses on will help you start afresh from a place of awareness.



We’re so hung up on the idea of productivity, we seldom give ourselves the chance to pause. To slow down. To be here and now. This week, you’re being asked to declutter your schedule and be present to yourself. Make time for mindful activities. Consume that which brings you joy. If you’ve been thinking about resuming your yoga or meditation practice, now is the time to jump right into it!



The world is constantly telling us who we should be and what we need to do by a certain period in our lives. But these false narratives keep us from living authentically and spreading our wings. Capricorn, could this be true in your case too? This week, the cards are reminding you that now is not the time to hold back. Take a risk. Make that bold move. Do the unexpected. Think of the Universe as a kind and loving parent who is holding space for you to rewrite the script.



Our thoughts create our reality, Aquarius. So when we repeat the story of loss and failure, that’s where we continue to vibrate. This week, the cards are urging you to observe the self-sabotaging patterns and to release them one by one. You are bigger and better than this. Reclaiming your power will make the transition easier. Oh, and one more thing! Reassess your relationship with food, and let go of those unhealthy consumption habits too.



Hello, and welcome to Pisces season! A time for the misfits and a time for the mystics. A time to be more yourself than you have ever been. So, make art. Write poetry. Board the flight of fantasy. Compose a song that reveals your innermost feelings. Remember to let go of the idea of ‘perfection’ as you do. Knowing that your creations are your ultimate prayer to the divine forces will help you stay in that coveted state of flow.

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