What brings you joy, Cancer? What gives you a reason to wake up with a song in your heart every morning? This is a call to return to simplicity and reconnect with that sense of awe and wonder. To remember why you came here and share your unique gifts with those around you. Scorpio, now is *not* the time to be self-critical. This is the time to look at your victories through the eyes of love and be grateful for all the ways in which you have grown over the years. Don’t be afraid to take the cloak of invisibility off and claim your spot at the centrestage, wild one. Spirit is in awe, Virgo. Spirit is in awe of all the ways in which you have healed and transformed. Spirit is in awe of all the ways in which you have looked your demons in the eye and walked them to the exit door. This chapter of your life is about acknowledging your journey and bringing love, gentleness and compassion back into the equation. Your unyielding faith in yourself promises to open closed doors and propel you in the direction of growth.
So, what does the week ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s explore!
This week, the cards are urging you to reassess your relationship with money. Do you give into the illusion of lack every now and then, or do you trust that your wants and needs and desires will be fulfilled in the most unexpected manner? Just a reminder: your outer reality is simply a mirror of your inner beliefs. When it comes to your interpersonal relationships, you’re being asked to practice honesty. If you feel like the people in your life are not showing up for you in the way you’d like them to, have a conversation with them about how you would like to be held and supported at this time.
You are connected to the infinite stream of abundance, Taurus. There is good juju pouring into your life from multiple sources. Tune your internal radio frequency to gratitude and allow yourself to receive all the blessings that are being showered upon you right now. At the same time, practice moderation. Going overboard with your expenses is *not* recommended right now.
Being in the midst of transition can feel all kinds of lonely. On one hand, the old structures have crumbled. On the other hand, the new is yet to reveal itself. Do yourself a favor and breathe. Recognize all the ways in which you’re being called to grow and move and all the things you’re being called to leave behind. Those around you may or may not be able to render you with the emotional support you need at this time. The good thing is, your spirit guides are holding your hand, now and in every moment.
What brings you joy, Cancer? What gives you a reason to wake up with a song in your heart every morning? Today, the cards are urging you to reconnect with that sense of awe and wonder. To remember why you came here and share your unique gifts with your soul circle. Remember, you don’t need anybody’s permission to shine, beautiful. You don’t need anybody’s permission to paint the canvas of your life in the brightest and boldest colors from your palette.
Maybe it isn’t about the world, Leo. Maybe it’s about the stories you are telling yourself in private. It’s time to ditch the dated script, beautiful. It’s time to drop the judgments and show up as your most authentic self. Remember, when you take one step towards Spirit, Spirit takes ten steps towards you. In the realm of love and relationships, some of you could be experiencing a ‘throwback moment’. Don’t be in a rush to welcome that person back into your life. Put your relationship to the test to gauge whether or not they’re willing to meet you where you are this time around.
Spirit is in awe, Virgo. Spirit is in awe of all the ways in which you have healed and transformed. Spirit is in awe of all the ways in which you have looked your demons in the eye and walked them to the exit door. Spirit is in awe of all the ways in which you have shattered the illusions that were keeping you from rising to your power and showing up as the most embodied version of yourself. This chapter of your life is about acknowledging your journey and bringing love, gentleness and compassion back into the equation. Your unyielding faith in yourself promises to open closed doors and propel you in the direction of growth.
There are people in this world who remind you of the magic that lives within your bones, who make you feel like you belong and that home is just a place within your heart. Those are the people you want to surround yourself with, Libra. Experiencing a sense of oneness with your soul family is going to be a major theme for you this week. Sparks are likely to be flying on the love and romance front too. The suitor hand may be slightly different from your usual type, though. Don’t let that deter you from exploring the length and breadth of this soulful connection.
Now is *not* the time to be self-critical. This is the time to look at your victories through the eyes of love and be grateful for all the ways in which you have grown over the years. Don’t be afraid to take the cloak of invisibility off and claim your spot at the centrestage, wild one. As such, the waning moon is also rendering you with the gift of clarity. Prepare to find creative solutions to the problems that have been weighing you down for a while. At the same time, trust yourself to implement the guidance that you are receiving from Source.
The truth is, *nobody* likes conflict, Sagittarius. Nobody likes to walk into a hostile environment. However, what’s taking place right now is meant to teach you a lesson. It’s meant to bring into your conscious awareness what is and isn’t serving your highest and greatest good, beautiful. So, recognize the chapters in your life that are nearing an end. By following the path of least resistance, you will be able to transition into the new in the most effortless manner.
You’re moving through life with the awareness that you’re protected and you’re taken care of. That everything you need, want and desire will be provided to you at the precise moment it is meant to. All you have to do is show up for the mission you committed to and do the work. As such, you’ll find that your psychic and intuitive abilities are heightened at this time. Pisces season reminder: the surreal is real. So, pay attention to what your subconscious is whispering to you in moments of silence. At the same time, make a note of everything you see, feel and observe while you are traversing through the dreamscape.
We hear you, Aquarius. The past weeks have been chaotic for you in ways you cannot put into words. Think of what’s taking place right now as a culmination of sorts. The more aware you are of the lessons you’re being called to integrate, the easier it will be for you to transition into the new. Remember, you will have to leave parts of your old life and your old story behind, and that’s okay. What you need to remember now and for the rest of the week: the best is yet to come, beautiful.
Do you believe in miracles, Pisces? Because the Universe has something rather special planned for you this week. As always, expand your heart chakra and move into the space of allowance within yourself. Everything you have asked for is on its way to you. For some of you, this may be a time of deepening your commitment. A time of getting to know your partner in an intimate manner. Remember to be appreciative of all that they are showing you at this time. You are being guided to drop your judgments and bring the gift of acceptance to the table.