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Your Weekly Horoscope: August 26, 2024 to September 1, 2024

What’s your love and career horoscope looking like for the coming seven days? Let Vogue Arabia help you find out via your weekly horoscope.

weekly horoscope

Artwork by Rohan Hande

Cancer, you’re stepping into the spotlight, and success is yours for the taking. Big wins are on the horizon — think recognition, accolades, and the kind of breakthroughs that will put you on the global map. Remember, you were born to do this! Don’t waste another minute dimming your light, okay? Leo, you’re the perfect blend of ancient wisdom and cutting-edge technology. It’s like you’re channelling divine inspiration straight from the universe and merging it with your modern-day genius. Overheard at the cosmic conference: give yourself the permission to shine like the creative force that you are! Virgo, you’re stepping into your leadership era, and it’s giving *big goals* energy! What’s more, you’re inspiring others with your go-getter vibes and making them believe that change truly is possible. You understand that a true leader doesn’t just push forward; they bring others along with them. So, you’re consciously creating a space where everyone feels seen, heard, and celebrated.

So what’s does the week ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s explore!

Aries weekly horoscope


Virgo season is inspiring you to reinvent your self-care game in luxe but practical ways! Let’s start by talking about diet and nutrition. The cards are encouraging you to consume wholesome, nourishing foods like leafy greens, vibrant veggies, and warm spices. Of course practitioners of Ayurveda will know that a spoonful of ghee/clarified butter goes a long way! That said, you’re also being encouraged to dive into the world of DIY lotions and potions. Raid your kitchen for ingredients like coconut oil, honey, and turmeric to whip up your very own nature-inspired skincare line. We recommend sugar scrubs with a hint of lavender, or a soothing face mask made from oats and honey or yoghurt. Your skin will thank you for this sorcery — we promise!

Taurus weekly horoscope


Taurus, don’t let them play mind games with you. You’re better than this. You deserve better than this. That said, we’ve got a case of analysis-paralysis on the cards, especially when it comes to professional matters. Instead of getting lost in the endless loop of *what-ifs*, channel your mental energy into making decisions that align with your long-term vision. Start by asking yourself: “What can I do today that supports my highest and greatest good?” Whether it’s tackling that to-do list, making a bold career move, or having that tough conversation you’ve been avoiding, motivate yourself to take practical measures that will get you closer to your goals.

Gemini weekly horoscope


The luxe life looks good on you, Gemini! This week it’s all about hitting your favorite boutiques and splurging on indie labels that match your vibe. Upcycling wardrobe staples to match current trends — also recommended at the moment! What’s more, Virgo season is inspiring you to reinvent the self-care game. Consider adopting new rituals that blend modern practices with ancient wisdom. Why not host a spa day while you’re at it? There’s nothing your besties will love more than a delightful combination of sugar scrubs and champagne. 

Cancer weekly horoscope


Cancer, you’re stepping into the spotlight, and success is yours for the taking. Big wins are on the horizon — think recognition, accolades, and the kind of breakthroughs that will put you on the global map. Remember, you were born to do this! Don’t waste another minute dimming your light, okay? That said, you’re being reminded that your network is your net worth. Now’s the time to surround yourself with the kind of people who elevate you, open doors, and connect you to new opportunities. International connections? Yes, please! And for some of you, a change of scenery might be in the cards. Relocation — whether across the country or overseas — could be part of this exciting new chapter. Wherever you go, you’re poised to thrive in style.

Leo weekly horoscope


Right now, you’re the perfect blend of ancient wisdom and cutting-edge technology. It’s like you’re channelling divine inspiration straight from the universe and merging it with your modern-day genius. Overheard at the cosmic conference: give yourself the permission to shine like the creative force that you are! That said, conflict resolution is also showing up as a theme for you this week as Mercury goes direct. Don’t wait for the other person to approach you, though. Take charge of the situation and allow the words to flow straight from your heart. Remembering that love transcends all will enable you to build bridges, Leo.

Virgo weekly horoscope


Virgo, you’re stepping into your leadership era, and it’s giving *big goals* energy! What’s more, you’re inspiring others with your go-getter vibes and making them believe that change truly is possible. You understand that a true leader doesn’t just push forward; they bring others along with them. So, you’re consciously creating a space where everyone feels seen, heard, and celebrated. What’s more, conflict resolution is also showing up as a big theme. Now is a good time to remember that love transcends all as you make amends wherever necessary.

Libra weekly horoscope


We’re telling you something you already know: you’re in a prime position to inspire change on a collective level! This is your moment to tap into the spirit of service — to wield that power for the highest good of your community, whether it’s through activism, leadership, or simply being the voice of reason. What’s more, things on the love and romance front are likely to take an unexpected turn too. You’re attracting someone who’s just as powerful and influential as you are — think major boss vibes with a side of spice. A certain somebody who knows how to keep things fresh and exciting. PS: We sense a power couple-in-the-making.

Scorpio weekly horoscope


It’s time to let go of that cloak of invisibility and step into the spotlight where you truly belong. Remember, you were born to do this! You came here to do this! So, don’t let imposter syndrome get the better of you this time around. That said, you may also feel inspired to heal certain relationships at this time — to make amends with somebody who means the world to you. Overheard at the cosmic conference: lead with your heart, beautiful.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope


Sagittarius, it’s time to acknowledge that certain cycles in your life are coming to an end, and that’s a *good* thing! Think of this way: your higher self is holding space for you to take a giant leap towards growth, freedom and expansion. Pay attention to how and where you’re being called to spread your wings and fly. That said, you are being encouraged to work with the law of attraction in a conscious manner. So, hold the vibration of what you’re calling in with the inner knowing that the change begins with you!

Capricorn weekly horoscope


Let’s talk about those self-sabotaging patterns, Capricorn. You know the habits that make you second-guess yourself, hold back, or repeat old cycles that don’t serve your highest good. It’s time to hit pause and take a good look at what’s really going on. The good news? You’re capable of breaking free from these patterns and stepping into a more empowered version of yourself. It’s all about making conscious choices and keeping your long-term goals in mind. And speaking of choices, let’s talk about love. The universe is asking you to ditch anyone who isn’t showing up for you in a consistent manner. We’re telling you something you already know: you deserve to be with somebody who stands by you through the highs and the lows.

Aquarius weekly horoscope


Think of it this way, Aquarius: there’s no victim, no villain. Things transpired in a certain way to awaken you to your truth — to help you integrate certain soul lessons. Today, you’re being called to let go of the old narratives — and with it the anger and the sadness too. This is your cue to start over in every sense of the word. That said, big manifestation energy surrounds you on the romantic front. The cards are indicating a partner who’s trustworthy — a certain somebody who makes you feel safe to come as you are. This brings us to the real question: will you give yourself the permission to be soft?

Pisces weekly horoscope


This week, you may feel like you’re stuck in the land of indecision. Lack of clarity is real, but here’s the deal: you don’t have to have all the answers right this second. Sometimes, getting out of your own head is the first step toward making the right move. So, go for a walk in the wilderness, sign up for a movement meditation class or simply make a pros and cons list. And if that doesn’t work, reach to that friend who’s unafraid to serve you a piping hot cup of truth tea, Pisces.

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