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Your Weekly Horoscope: October 17, 2022 to October 23, 2022

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Artwork by Rohan Hande

The Law of Synchronicity states that we attract the exact circumstances required for our growth and evolution. In other words, absolutely nothing is random, and everything is a part of the divine plan. The so-called disturbances and unpleasant experiences too are meant to propel us on this path. This is something you are being asked to remember, Gemini. Taurus, life in the earthly realm tends to be cyclical in nature. The highs are followed by the lows and vice-versa. When we’re down, we ask the forces to lift us. We pray for things to get better with every fibre of our being. And when we make our way into the life we’ve been manifesting, we tend to be consumed by fear. Word for the wise: release the lower vibrational emotions that have been weighing you down as you anchor yourself in the present. Virgo, we get it. You are consumed by the desire to merge till you cannot tell where you end and they begin anymore. Word for the wise: draw your boundaries and get anchored in your own being. Finding a balance between how much you give yourself and how much you give other people is a lesson that you are being asked to learn at this moment. 

So, what does the week ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s explore!



But, the human experience is perfect, Aries! Spirit has a way of sending our way not what we want, but what we need in every moment. So honor these circumstances as an invitation to do the inner work, and grow in more ways than you can put into words. As you do, release the burden of the past. Let go of what no longer serves your highest and greatest good. Your heart is ready to expand, beautiful. Your heart is ready to call in the love you desire and deserve.



Life in the earthly realm tends to be cyclical in nature. The highs are followed by the lows and vice-versa. When we’re down, we ask the forces to lift us. We pray for things to get better with every fibre of our being. And when we make our way into the life we’ve been manifesting, we tend to be consumed by fear. We worry about how everything will slip through our fingers like sand. Be aware of how this pattern is playing out in your own life as you begin to find joy, beauty and bliss in the present. There is oh-so-much to be grateful for! Oh-so-much to be grateful for, beautiful.



The Law of Synchronicity states that we attract the exact circumstances required for our growth and evolution. In other words, absolutely nothing is random, and everything is a part of the divine plan. The so-called disturbances and unpleasant experiences too are meant to propel us on this path. So, just for today, drop the resistance. Just for today, let go of your fixed notions. Just for today, practice acceptance and know that you are being protected in every moment.



Take a moment to think about this. Take a moment to think about all the ways in which you want to grow and expand your horizons. Then, ask yourself if the given offer or opportunity has the potential to accelerate your growth in the right direction. If you answered this in the affirmative, it’s time to take a step in the right direction. Spirit’s got a plan for you! Spirit’s got a plan for you, beautiful.



The truth is, Spirit isn’t punishing you. It is simply preparing you to level up. It is challenging you to remember your power and alchemize those wounds into wisdom, wild one. Instead of losing yourself in a web of ‘responsibilities’, commit to the inner work. At the same time, become aware of your heart space. Let it expand with love and joy. Know that giving yourself the permission to be tender despite it all is truly a superpower, beautiful.



We get it, Virgo. You are consumed by the desire to merge till you cannot tell where you end and they begin anymore. Word for the wise: draw your boundaries and get anchored in your own being. Finding a balance between how much you give yourself and how much you give other people is a lesson that you are being asked to learn at this moment. As such, this is also a time of shadow-work. A time of observing the triggers that come up when you share your space with others and releasing your fears with love.



Today, you’re grateful. You’re grateful for this beautiful connection that you have manifested in your experience. You’re grateful for all the ways in which your soul sings when you are in their presence. At the same time, you realize and recognize that you can flow in the stream of love without tainting it with your unrealistic expectations. You understand and recognize that the present is a gift and that you can choose to let go of your attachment to how things should unfold as you move forward and onwards.



Take a moment. Take a moment to reflect on all the ways in which you have grown. Take a moment to appreciate all the ways in which you have broken your own patterns. As you do, trust yourself to triumph over the inner and outer demons you are fighting right now. A reminder from the mysterious forces: you’ve got this, beautiful! On the professional front, you’ll find that this is a time of great many victories. If you’ve put in the work, prepare to receive the awards and accolades you’ve been manifesting for some time now.



It’s all about love and other intoxicants in the Sagittarius HQ this week. It’s all about opening your heart and becoming one with the flow. Trust that you will be reciprocated in this relationship and that everything you put out there will come back to you manifold. But that doesn’t mean the fears won’t creep on you unexpectedly, or that you won’t be tempted to go back to the old ways of life. Light the lamp of awareness and release what no longer serves you with love. Spirit is protecting you in more ways than you can imagine!



But, everything is transient in nature, and that is just how life unfolds in the earthly realm. Today, you are embracing the spirit of play with this recognition. You are understanding that you don’t have to be perfect, you simply have to be you. That you have to try your best and surrender the rest. A reminder from the mysterious forces: you are a co-creator of your reality, and you are capable of manifesting many, many miracles!



But, the truth is, you are actively creating blockages. You are resisting the flow of life and what it is taking you towards. What Spirit wants you to remember is that sometimes you get what you want, not what you need, which is in fact a blessing in disguise. So, pause. Take a moment to reflect on how you need to let go of your resistance. There is a lesson in here for you: you will get to the desired destination with ease by choosing the path of defenselessness.



There comes a point in your journey where you need to stop and ask yourself if you are satisfied with where you are, or if you aspire for more. Something tells us now is *not* the time to play it small. It’s the time to revisit your vision board and show up for long-term goals. Achieving what you have set out to will require you to put in the work, and that’s okay. Trust yourself to move many mountains in collaboration with Spirit.

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