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Your Weekly Horoscope: May 16, 2022 to May 22, 2022

june horoscope

Artwork by Rohan Hande

The bad news: we’re on the other side of the lunar eclipse, so you can’t blame all your problems on the eclipse tunnel. The good news: we’re officially under the influence of Mercury retrograde, so you can hold the trickster planet accountable for all your mishaps. Needless to say, communication issues are likely to be a constant. As always, make sure you double check everything before you put your name on the dotted line.

Aries, for you, the current cosmic confluence could bring an erstwhile lover to the fore. Give yourself the chance to explore the connection if you believe there is potential here. Virgo, you are being encouraged to stay in a space of openness; to let go of any and all prejudices. Love doesn’t always look like what it does in the movies, and that is what makes the experience all kinds of beautiful. Pisces, you are not your limitations. You are not your fears either. You are the Universe having a physical experience. You are infinite potential in human form. So, rewrite the script in this very moment. Remembering that you deserve to experience joy will make you a magnet for miracles.

So, what does the week ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s find out!



Cliché as it is, Mercury retrograde could bring an erstwhile lover to the fore or a certain somebody you didn’t quite get a chance to explore things with. Think of this as a blessing, Aries. An opportunity to dive deeper into your connection, if you believe there is potential. Remember you are an evolved version of yourself today, which means you are less likely to repeat past mistakes. On the financial front, however, ups and downs are indicated. Know that whatever you’re going through is temporary. For now, focus on minimizing your expenses.



Intimacy is a big theme for you on the other side of the eclipse season. Think of this as a time of shedding the layers that keep you ‘safe’ and allowing your beloved to see you as you are, both shadow and light. Sometimes, experiencing the very thing you’re most terrified of could be the key to unlocking hidden potential. As such, you may find that you are at a crossroads in your life. It’s hard to make a choice when both pathways seem just as alluring. A good way to navigate is to ask yourself which one of them will take you closer to your long-term goals. In moments of silence, you will find the answers you seek.



Here’s a toast to all the places you’re yet to see, the people you’re yet to meet, and the conversations you’re yet to have. It’s a ‘say yes to the wild and unknown’ kind of week in the Gemini HQ, and something tells us you’re going to have a plethora of stories to share with us on the other side of this adventure! Remember, it’s good to have an itinerary. It’s even better to give yourself the permission to be spontaneous (and borderline reckless!). Overhead at the cosmic conference: sticking to the plan is overrated.



You’re wearing a glow that comes from years and years of inner work, Cancer. You are at a point in your life where you no longer feel the need to please everybody or adhere to the script that’s been handed down to you by the world. You are here to be as fully yourself as you can. You understand that authenticity is your gift to the divine forces. What you want to be mindful of, however, is the company you keep. The people you feel inspired to sync your forces with in the coming weeks. Make sure you check in with your higher self about their intentions. You don’t want your position in society to be the reason they’re trying to secure a place in your inner circle. 



We hear you, Leo. Eclipse season has been all kinds of chaotic, and you’re still recovering from the drama. Give yourself the time you need to heal, beautiful. In other words, don’t rush yourself into things you’re not quite ready for. What you want to do instead is prioritize self-care. On the upside, things on both the professional and romantic front are looking good. Enjoy the feeling that you are where you are supposed to be, and that things are only going to get better from here.



Some love stories are meant to be. You would know all about that, wouldn’t you now? What you’re being reminded of is that the Universe is pulling major strings on your behalf so you and your soulmate can experience the kind of harmony that you’ve been manifesting for some time now. Single Virgos are being encouraged to stay in a space of openness; to let go of any and all prejudices. Love doesn’t always look like what it does in the movies, and that is what makes the experience all kinds of beautiful.



It’s true that Destiny plays a major role in defining the course of lives. However, the actions we take when opportunities present themselves are just as pivotal, Libra. Something tells us the avenues opening up for you this week have the potential to change the script radically. So, say yes to the unknown, despite the trepidation. Prepare yourself to take all kinds of chances. Just don’t expect yourself to be in yang mode at all times. Given that eclipse season has pulled the rug from underneath your feet a few times, you will need time to rest and reset as well.



How much compromise is too much compromise? Something to think about as you find yourself bending over backwards for the sake of others. Here are a couple of things to keep in mind as you move forward. 1: ‘No’ is a complete sentence. 2: Putting yourself first is not a crime. Given that we’re in the midst of Mercury retrograde, communication is going to be a big theme. This time around, don’t shy away from expressing what’s in your heart and on your mind. 



You’re fanning the flames of your passion this week, Sagittarius. You’re allowing yourself to be all the people you want to be and explore all the avenues you’ve always wanted to explore. Adopt a no-holds-barred policy with your dreams as you remember some risks are worth taking, beautiful. But that doesn’t mean you should act on an impulse or make a decision you could come to regret later on. Find a way to balance your professional responsibilities alongside your passions. Knowing that you have a safety net to fall back on will give you the freedom to spread your wings.



You’re in a *good* place, Capricorn. A time in your life where you’re walking through the portal of joy, bliss and abundance. What the Universe is offering you alongside the cornucopia is an affirmation that it is only going to get better from here. So, stay in the vibration of what you have been calling in as you remember that you are but a magnet for miracles. However, it’s not material pleasures that are taking center stage this week. You’re also connecting with your spiritual side. You’re making time for the practices you resonate with. You’re moving closer and closer to your truth. Trust that your divine perception will be refined in the process.



You’re waking with a song in your heart and stars in your eyes. After a long time, you feel like the Universe is your co-conspirator on this journey, and that together, you are writing the script of your best life. This is what it feels like to be in love, Aquarius. This is what it feels like to be in a space of ‘allowing’. So give yourself the permission to feel the length and breadth of your emotions. Know that it’s safe for you to open your heart again.



Your head is a crowded place, Pisces. There are voices that are telling you that you can achieve the impossible. And then, there are voices that are repeating the failure narrative. But you are not your limitations, Pisces. You are not your fears or insecurities either. You are the Universe having a physical experience. You are infinite potential in human form. So, rewrite the script in this very moment. Remembering that you deserve to experience joy will make you a magnet for miracles.

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