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Your Weekly Horoscope: November 14, 2022 to November 20, 2022

june horoscope

Artwork by Rohan Hande

But, you are enough, Aquarius! You are gifted and talented in more ways than you can count. So, put your faith back in yourself, beautiful, as you revisit both your short and long-term goals. Something tells us you are ready to show up as the brightest, boldest, and most formidable version of yourself! We get it, Virgo. You’re in the mood to take over the world and you won’t stop till you make it to the top. The flaw in this plan? That you’ve been running on empty for a while now. This week, you’re being called to take drastic measures. To prioritize yourself and to prioritize self-growth. If that requires you to say ‘no’ to the unrealistic demands of others, so be it. Libra, you didn’t come here to live a mundane existence. You didn’t come here to play it small or dull your sparkle in any way. You came here to remember your role as the co-creator of your destiny and to experience the magnificence of this physical realm. Overheard at the cosmic conference: the time to take off that cloak of invisibility is now. So, what does the week ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s explore.



This is the week to put your bossy pants back on, Aries! This is the week to check in with your long-term goals and show up 1000% for every task at hand with the inner knowing that you are moving in the direction of growth. Those who have consistently been putting in the work will find that they are stepping into a period of fruition. Take a moment to appreciate the sweet elixir that is being poured into your chalice. We want to let you in on a secret: vibrating at the energy of gratitude will make you a magnet for miracles.



Taurus, you’re ready. You’re ready to take your seatbelt off. You’re ready to throw caution to the wind and take the kind of chances that you were intimidated by in the past. The not-so-good news is that you may not get it right the first, the second or the third time. The good news? You don’t have to. The only thing you have to do is get in the spirit of play, become a vessel for the divine to express itself, and have plenty of laughs along the way.



We all desire that once-in-a-lifetime kind of romance. We all dream of spending our lives with somebody who consistently looks at us like we’re magic. But, that doesn’t mean everybody we feel that connection with is going to be the big love of our life. This week, you’re being encouraged to take your blinders off, especially if you’re in the early stages of romance. We’re not implying that you need to do something drastic or part ways with your beloved. We’re simply encouraging you to savor the sweetness that is being poured into your chalice without putting ‘the other’ on a pedestal.



‘No’ is a complete sentence, Cancer, and sometimes saying no to others means saying yes to yourself. What a wonderful feeling that is! This week, you’re being encouraged to retreat into your sanctum, make time for sacred self-care and engage only with those who make you feel safe. Learning to be discerning with your time and energy takes practice. The good thing is, you’re on the right track.



But, you don’t have to be the best at what you do. You don’t always have to ‘crush it’, shatter the glass ceiling or make headlines along the way. All you have to do is remember why you embarked upon this journey, take one step at a time and offer the best that you can at this moment. What the cards are reminding you: you are moving steadily in the direction of growth, even if you can’t see the big picture yet. On the personal front, you’re being reminded of the power of communication. Forget about being ‘too much’ and just say what’s on your mind. Those who are meant to be in your life will respect you for showing up as the most authentic version of yourself.



We get it, Virgo. You’re in the mood to take over the world and you won’t stop till you make it to the top. The flaw in this plan? That you’ve been running on empty for a while now. This week, you’re being called to take drastic measures. To prioritize yourself and to prioritize self-growth. If that requires you to say ‘no’ to the unrealistic demands of others, so be it. So be it, beautiful. Oh, and one more thing! Now is not the time to take legal matters lightly. If you need to enlist the support of a lawyer, make sure you do so right away!



But, you didn’t come here to live a mundane existence, Libra. You didn’t come here to play it small or dull your sparkle in any way. You came here to remember your role as the co-creator of your destiny and to experience the magnificence of this physical realm. So, take a moment to revisit your vision board. Take a moment to reflect upon all the ways in which you are being called to expand and grow. Overheard at the cosmic conference: the time to take off that cloak of invisibility is now.



Here’s the thing, Scorpio: we’ve all been let down by those we love. We’ve all had our hearts broken by those we let into our sacred space. But, how much power do you want to give the past? Something to think about as you sip on your morning tea, beautiful. This week you are being offered the opportunity to grow, expand and rise in love. To experience that kind of intimacy that you’ve only read about in books. So, dissolve the barriers and give yourself permission to come as you are. It’s safe for you to open your heart.



But, every experience is perfect and every experience is meant to teach you an integral soul lesson. So, recognize the order in chaos and the chaos in order. Recognize all the ways in which the Universe is supporting you to triumph over your demons, inner and outer. Releasing the baggage of the past is a big theme for you this week. But, that doesn’t mean the journey is going to be easy. You are likely to feel more exhausted than usual, and that’s okay. Give yourself the time you need to rest and refuel your reserves, beautiful.



Today, you’re being encouraged to hit the pause button. To observe all the ways in which you have turned your wounds into wisdom and emerged from the dark night of the soul as the most formidable version of yourself. What the cards are asking you to contemplate: do you really want to go back to the old ways? Word of warning: the temptation to do so will be strong. So, find a way to move through the discomfort as you light the lamp of awareness.



But, you are enough, Aquarius! You are gifted and talented in more ways than you can count. So, put your faith back in yourself, beautiful, as you revisit both your short and long-term goals. Something tells us you are ready to show up as the brightest, boldest, and most formidable version of you! What’s more, the cards are also indicating the presence of a dream team. Collaborators and co-conspirators who are just as invested in the idea of co-creating magic. Word of warning: you may not always be on the same page about everything, and that’s okay. Make sure you pick your battles.



But, there are oh-so-many ways to connect with the Divine consciousness! There are oh-so-many ways to remember that you are but the universe living, breathing, and dancing in this magnificent physical vessel. This week, you’re being encouraged to expand your definition of what ‘spirituality’ means to you. To experience a sense of oneness with everything around you and recognize the beauty and grace that is the moment. Overheard at the cosmic conference: you are stepping into the portal of magic.

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