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Your Weekly Horoscope: November 13, 2023 to November 19, 2023

june horoscope

Artwork by Rohan Hande

Lo and behold, Libra! You are in a brand-new timeline. A point in your journey where you are attracting golden opportunities with ease. Of course, things won’t manifest on their own and things won’t manifest overnight. Taking inspired action is a part of the game plan. The good thing is, you know exactly what you have to do. Virgo, you came here to love and be loved. So, surrender to the alchemy of this connection as you allow yourself to be transformed by its medicine. The universe wants the best and only the best for you, wild one. Taurus, you know you’re in a good place when work doesn’t feel like work. It feels like joy. It feels like bliss. Most importantly, it feels like play. You are at such a point in your life. Harness the magic that surrounds you this new moon as you plant seeds and take inspired action. 

So, what does the week ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s explore!



With everything that’s going on in the world, you may feel a growing sense of unrest within you. So, do what you can do. Act in a way that benefits the greater good. At the same time, consciously make time for the things that fill your cup. Finding a creative outlet for your emotions will prove to be all kinds of therapeutic. When it comes to spirituality, remember that there’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all. Your connection with the Divine is unique and that’s what you are being called to honor in the weeks to come. PS: New moon ritual, anyone?



You know you’re in a good place when work doesn’t feel like work. It feels like joy. It feels like bliss. Most importantly, it feels like play. You are at such a point in your life, Taurus. Harness the magic that surrounds you this new moon as you plant seeds and take inspired action. Your ability to to take risks and color boldly outside the lines will yield magnificent results in due course if time. When it comes to matters of the heart, you’re being encouraged to go that extra mile if that’s what your relationship requires. PS: Trust that your love will blossom with you, beautiful!



If it’s feeling like a lot, it’s probably a lot. So pause, step back, and ask yourself if it’s even worth it, Gemini. Today, you’re being encouraged to accept the natural endings of things and to let go of your resistance wherever necessary. Stepping into the unknown can feel rather uncomfortable. That’s natural. Give yourself the permission to take one step at a time. When it comes to love, let your heart lead the way. You know all too well what happens when we let our egos get in the way!



The new moon in Scorpio is awakening you to your personal brand of magic. So, how do you feel called to connect with the divine forces? In what manner do you wish to delve deeper into esoteric practices? Reaching out to a mentor or guide who can assist you on this journey you have undertaken is highly recommended. As such, there’s going to be a lot to celebrate on the personal front in the coming weeks. If you and your beloved have been thinking about going all in or ‘putting a ring on it’, consider this soulscope as your green flag.



What does ‘receiving’ mean to you, Leo? How would you like to be held and supported by those around you? This is your reminder to soften, to journey back to your heart and to dissolve barriers that stand between you and the world. At the same time, understand the importance of communication. The importance of letting yourself be seen and heard by those you have let into your circle. Unless you express your needs, wants and desires, your friends, lovers and fellow unicorns won’t always know how to hold space for you.



You came here to love and be loved, Virgo. So, surrender to the alchemy of this connection as you allow yourself to be transformed by its medicine. The universe wants the best and only the best for you, wild one. We know how much you like to get things done on your own terms when it comes to professional and creative matters, and that’s one of your strengths. However, synching your forces with a certain organization may enable you to fulfil your mission *and* benefit the greatest good. Word for the wise: find a way to make an impact without compromising on your authentic voice.



Lo and behold, Libra! You are in a brand-new timeline. A point in your journey where you are attracting golden opportunities with ease. Of course, things won’t manifest on their own, and things won’t manifest overnight. Taking inspired action is a part of the game plan. The good thing is, you know exactly what you have to do. When it comes to love, the cards are signifying the presence of a dependable partner. A relationship that has the potential to withstand the test of time and tide. So, dissolve the barriers that stand between you and your beloved as you prepare to go that extra mile. Overheard at the cosmic conference: some risks are worth taking, beautiful.



Give yourself the permission to express your authentic voice. To make yourself seen and heard in the way that you truly desire. The stories that you have to tell are important and promise to make an impact, Scorpio. Just don’t expect a pat on your back every time you challenge the status quo. Choosing disruption means that you may not always be able to gather the support you need, and that’s okay. You know what you have come here to do.



We get it, Sagittarius! It’s been a long and lonely road. What you need to remember right now is that all is not lost. You are closer to the destination than you have ever been. Trust that every molecule in the multiverse wants you to win as you take the action that is required of you. As always, practise non-attachment. Surrender the outcome of what you are creating to the mysterious forces and know that everything you need, want and desire will manifest in divine time.



Capricorn, you’re exhausted, and you can’t keep going on like this. Do yourself a favor: take your foot off the accelerator. It’s time to be and to breathe, beautiful. It’s time to prioritize rest and recuperation. Working with holistic practitioners is always a good idea. However, if you need medical intervention, you need medical intervention. Don’t ignore the needs of your body this time around. On the upside, you have the support of your partner and your family members. Give yourself the permission to lean on them when the going gets tough.



We know! Adulting is tough. There are things to do and bills to pay and gatherings to attend. But the good news is, you’re finding a way to balance the personal and professional with ease as you make an impact *and* fulfil your sacred purpose. If you feel like you’ve been in a funk, you probably have. Give yourself the permission to do things differently; to change things around. Hopping onto a magic bus and setting off on an adventure of sorts is highly recommended right now.



Pisces, your superpower is that you get along with everyone. Well, most people at least! Remember this if and when you find yourself in a sticky situation. By leaving your ego out *and* bringing tenderness into the equation, you will be able to triumph over your demons. Just a reminder: the universe wants you to win. When it comes to interpersonal relationships, you may find yourself nostalgic for what you used to share with another person. Here’s the thing, though: you have changed and transformed over time, and they have too. Give yourself the permission to meet them as they are now.

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