Libra, the week ahead sees you harnessing your magic, stepping boldly into the unknown, and flexing your creative muscles in a way you never have. What you’re being offered right now is a blank canvas. A blank canvas that you can paint with the brightest and boldest of colors. Gemini, given that we’re officially under the influence of Mercury retrograde, you may or may not be starting your week on the best note. Accept that there is no such thing as good or bad emotions. Accept that the disappointment you are experiencing now, especially with regards to your finances, is acting as a catalyst for positive change. Aquarius, this is *not* the week to rely on borrowed knowledge or blindly follow the scriptures. This is the week to go out there and let life happen. To live, to breathe, to sign up for adventures and to fill your journal with the kind of stories that will inspire joy within you for years to come. What the cards want you to remember: you are blessed, you are protected and you are taken care of!
So, what does the week ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s find out!
What if you decided to get out of your own way, Aries? What if you decided to reaffirm your own power and potential? The truth is, you are capable of moving mountains. You simply have to open your eyes and recognize the strength, wisdom and resilience you already possess. When it comes to your interpersonal relationships, you’re being asked to practice honesty. To say what you’re feeling in a truthful manner without worrying too much about how you will be perceived. Those who truly care for you will never judge you for showing up as the most authentic version of yourself.
You’re waking up with a spring in your step, Taurus. Mercury’s backward dance may have others in a tizzy, but it has you feeling all kinds of creative. It has you feeling like you can go out there and achieve the impossible. Harness this optimism wisely by pouring your energy into pending projects. When it comes to your romantic relationships, you will find that this is a time of reigniting the spark. A time of meeting the other with fresh eyes and holding space for them to come as they are.
The week may or may not start off on the best note, Gemini, and that’s okay. Accept that there is no such thing as good or bad emotions. Accept that the disappointment you are experiencing now, especially with regards to your finances, is acting as a catalyst for positive change. Word for the wise: remember who you are and what you are truly worth. This will empower you to hold space for the conversations you’ve been avoiding for some time now.
Cancer, if your life was an animated movie, you would find that both the devil and the angel are making an appearance on either side of you this week. While the former will compel you to take a risk and believe in the impossible, the latter will urge you to slow down. Plot twist: the voice of Lucifer is the voice you’re being asked to pay heed to. So, go make some trouble, beautiful. Give yourself the permission to sashay out of your comfort zone until the comfort zone begins to feel like an illusion. Everything you are seeking awaits you on the other side of fear.
Love is not a business, Leo. Love is not a transaction either. So, let’s delete the narrative around two halves coming together. What you want to do instead is continue to work on yourself so you can approach your relationships from a space of fullness. What’s more, you’ll find that your clairvoyant abilities are also heightened this week. That you are receiving intuitive guidance for both yourself and those around you. PS: Maintaining a dream journal is also highly recommended at this moment.
Why wait until tomorrow if you can express your love today? The week ahead sees you emanating the energy of gratitude and pouring generously into the cups of your fellow warriors. There’s an inner knowing that everything you put into the cosmos will come back to you manifold. What’s more, you are stepping into a period of healing too. A time of forgiving your past and freeing yourself from the old narrative that has been holding you back from showing up as the brightest and boldest version of yourself.
The week ahead sees you harnessing your magic, stepping boldly into the unknown, and flexing your creative muscles in a way you never have. What you’re being offered right now is a blank canvas, Libra. A blank canvas that you can paint with the brightest and boldest of colors. Here are a couple things you want to keep in mind as you become a medium for the divine forces to express themselves in the earthly realm: perfection is overrated, and the sound of your own laughter is the ultimate prayer.
The thing is, we’re always up in our heads about how we will be perceived by those around us and how our actions will impact others. But, the truth is, everybody is too caught up in their own bubble to realize what is and isn’t going on with you, Scorpio. This is something you are realizing on a deep level. The week ahead sees you tuning into your inner compass, making that metaphorical journey from fear to faith, and preparing to take more chances than you have in a while. Trust that your willingness to take life by the horns will be rewarded greatly in due course of time.
Your grand vision needs a practical plan of action, Sagittarius. This is something you are being reminded of this week. So, go back to the drawing board and observe what you need to fine tune. Your attention to detail will give you an edge over your competition. As such, you’re also being asked to make practical decisions when it comes to your finances. Now is *not* the time to go overboard with your expenses. Switching to savings mode is highly recommended at this moment.
Now is *not* the time to believe every idea that’s being sold to you. Invest in the given project only if you feel a sense of resonance with it. Pouring your energy into somebody else’s dream will lead to disappointment in the long run, which is not something we need to remind you of, Capricorn. As such, the cards are also warning you against fair-weather friends. The kind who appear and disappear at will and are driven by selfish motives. You already know who your people are. Word for the wise: practice discernment.
This is *not* the week to rely on borrowed knowledge or blindly follow the scriptures. This is the week to go out there and let life happen. To live, to breathe, to sign up for adventures and to fill your journal with the kind of stories that will inspire joy within you for years to come. What the cards want you to remember: you are blessed, you are protected and you are taken care of. So, take the kind of risks that propel you in the direction of growth and know that you will land on your feet no matter what.
We hear you, Pisces. You have all the love in the world to give, and then some more. But, do you want to be the only one who is giving and giving to a point of no return? Something to think about as you begin your week, beautiful. Today, the cards are urging you to be soft, to be tender, to embrace the so-called vulnerabilities that make you human. As you do, begin to open the portal of your heart and allow others to show up for you.