What’s your love and career horoscope looking like for the coming seven days? Let Vogue Arabia help you find out via your weekly horoscope.
“Fashion fades, style is eternal.” Remember these golden words by Yves Saint Laurent as you move through the week, Leo. The onset of spring is the perfect time to invest in that glow-up you’ve been thinking about! Overheard at the cosmic conference: this is the season to be bold, to be experimental, and to be radically *you*. As such, you’re in the mood to be out and about. You’re in the mood to explore and play. Taurus, what do *you* desire? What is the kind of life you want to co-create with your special someone? How do you feel called to redefine the rules of engagement? They may love you deeply, but they may not always be able to read your mind. Word for the wise: Initiate a conversation with them when you feel ready to, as you give yourself the permission to talk about the tough stuff. It’s official, Sagittarius! You’re in a brand new timeline. In a life you imagined for yourself a long time ago. So, look around you, beautiful. Give thanks for what is being granted to you and what is yet to come. Tuning your internal radio frequency to the energy of gratitude will make you a magnet for miracles.
So, what does the week ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s explore!
Aries weekly horoscope
You’re tired, Aries. You’re tired of unbalanced unions. You want the real thing. You want love, commitment and loyalty. You want to be with somebody who makes you feel seen and heard and wants to grow alongside you. Start by distancing yourself from anything that is *not* a vibrational match, and reminding yourself that you deserve better. Clarifying your intentions and sharing them with the universe is highly recommended right now. When it comes to professional and creative matters, now is the time to push your own boundaries. The ideas you are channelling have major potential. Visualize yourself as a bridge between heaven and earth as you birth that which is yearning to be birthed through you in the physical.
Taurus weekly horoscope
But, what do *you* desire, Taurus? What is the kind of life you want to co-create with your person? How do you feel called to redefine the rules of engagement? They may love you deeply, but they may not always be able to read your mind. Word for the wise: Initiate a conversation with them when you feel ready to, as you give yourself the permission to talk about the tough stuff. At the same time, practice active listening and be open to what they have to say. Overheard at the cosmic conference: a love like this does not come around every day.
Gemini weekly horoscope
You’re growing, you’re flourishing, and you’re thriving! It’s beautiful to watch your metamorphosis, Gemini. It’s beautiful to watch you spread your wings and come into your own. Given that you are evolving, it’s but natural for you to desire conscious connections. This chapter of your life is about syncing your forces with fellow unicorns who will not only not shy away from being your bigger cheerleaders, but will also hold up the mirror to you as and when required. As such, some of you may feel inspired to breathe life into a project that’s been on the backburner for a while. Give yourself the permission to breathe life into these bright and beautiful ideas in your own unique manner.
Cancer weekly horoscope
This week, you’re tapping into your ambitious side. You have big dreams and you’re willing to do what it takes to get to the top. Remember, you can’t do everything on your own, even if you wish to. So, make sure you garner the support of your team members before you take that next step. Leading by example has always been your superpower. When it comes to matters of the heart, nostalgia could be a big theme. You may feel the burning desire to get back in touch with someone from the past. It’s true that you have evolved since the two of your parted ways. However, it would be unfair to take things for granted this time around. Word for the wise: Make sure you discuss the tough stuff.
Leo weekly horoscope
”Fashion fades, style is eternal.” Remember these golden words by Yves Saint Laurent as you move through the week. The onset of spring is the perfect time to invest in that glow-up you’ve been thinking about! Overheard at the cosmic conference: this is the season to be bold, to be experimental and to be radically *you*! As such, you’re in the mood to be out and about, Leo. You’re in the mood to experiment and play. You’re in the mood to work the room and charm everybody you cross paths with. Some of you may even feel inspired to refurbish your apartment or transition to a work-from-home set-up that enables you to focus on that big project.
Virgo weekly horoscope
But, you’re only limited by your imagination, Virgo. So, dream a bigger, wilder and more extravagant dream as you prepare to take that next big step. Stepping into the unknown can feel daunting at first. Know that Spirit is holding your hand at every step along the way. When it comes to interpersonal relationships, practice discretion. Give yourself the permission to see things as they are, rather than how you’d like them to be. The truth may stir up discomfort within, but it will ultimately liberate you, beautiful.
Libra weekly horoscope
“The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them.” Wise words by bestselling author Elizabeth Gilbert to remember as you move through life with ease, with joy, with effortlessness. Something tells us you’re finding your mojo back this week and reclaiming the sacred gifts that you’ve been granted with. Consider this soulscope as your reminder to take the cloak of invisibility off and step into the limelight where you belong. PS: You didn’t come to play it small or dim your light, beautiful.
Scorpio weekly horoscope
This week, the universe is on a special mission—a mission to make your wildest dreams take form in the physical world. So, buckle your seatbelt, beautiful. It’s going to be a wild ride through the multiverse and back. For some of you, this could manifest as a soulmate reunion. The sacred opportunity to transform the story of longing to belonging and write a new chapter with somebody you’re meant to dance the dance of life with. Remember, what we see in our external reality is ultimately a reflection of our thoughts, beliefs and patterns. So, continue to affirm all that is good in your life and give thanks for what is yet to come!
Sagittarius weekly horoscope
It’s official, Sagittarius. You’re in a brand new timeline. In a life you imagined for yourself a long time ago. So, look around you, beautiful. Give thanks for what is being granted to you and what is yet to come. Tuning your internal radio frequency to the energy of gratitude will make you a magnet for miracles. When it comes to your professional pursuits, put your faith back in yourself. Your intuition has been guiding you in the direction of growth for some time now. Believe that your pet project has major potential and take that next step. At the same time, remember that we cannot make drastic changes overnight. So, set realistic goals for yourself.
Capricorn weekly horoscope
But, this conversation isn’t about what’s right or wrong. It’s about how *you* feel about the given situation. Word for the wise: stop intellectualizing your emotions or making excuses for the other person. That said, the need for healthy boundaries is also showing up as an important theme right now. So, communicate your needs with clarity, and say “no” without feeling guilty. If you want the other person to show up for you in a certain manner, tell them how you would like to be supported. Contrary to what we believe, the people in our lives cannot always read our minds.
Aquarius weekly horoscope
If you like it, why not take things to the next level? Yes, it’s that kind of week, Aquarius. It’s the season to love and be loved, and bring your most loved ones home. Something tells us your tribe will cherish their company just as much as you do. For others, the cosmic climate is also supporting you to be out and about—to sync your forces with fellow unicorns you feel creative chemistry with. PS: It’s time to weave more magic and madness into the tapestry of life.
Pisces weekly horoscope
Listen up, buttercup! It’s time to stop giving mixed signals, get clear about what you want, and communicate the same to the other person. You’ll never truly understand the potential of what you can co-create until you give partnerships a chance. When it comes to professional pursuits, you’re being encouraged to change the vantage point. To recognize how the challenges are an opportunity to grow. Overheard at the cosmic conference: it’s time to put your faith back in yourself.