This week, you’re being asked to observe the tension between what you want and what the Universe wants for you. When things don’t work out in the manner that you envisioned them to, know that you’re being protected, not punished. Know that there is a plan in place for you and that you are going to go places. A little something from the Libra horoscope to empower us to embrace the madness and the mayhem of retrograde season. Aries, you’re being asked to observe why you have convinced yourself it’s all going to go downhill from here. You have the option to choose joy over everything else. So, bring more lightness and brightness into the narrative, will you? Aquarius, you’re doing that thing where you are going back to the patterns you thought you had triumphed over. You’re doing that thing where you are letting into your life the people who have proved to be unworthy of your love. Do yourself a favor and take a good look in the mirror. Remember the shining beam of light that you are and all that you are worth.
So, what does the week ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s explore!
Why have you convinced yourself it’s all going to go downhill from here? Why have you walked hope to the exit door? We understand that it’s been heavy, and that the full moon in your sign felt a lot like turmoil. Know that the Universe was simply awakening you to your truth so you can realign with your path and purpose. The good thing is, you have a choice. You have the option to choose joy over everything. So, do yourself a favor and get in the energy of play. You are being encouraged to bring more lightness and brightness into your life this week.
But, you are worth it, Taurus. You are deserving of the life you have been manifesting for yourself. So, take a good look in the mirror, will you? As you do, begin to create a shift in the internal landscape with the knowing that the Universe will meet you halfway. This week, you’re also being reminded of the power of movement. If something doesn’t feel right to you, it doesn’t feel right to you, and there’s no two ways about that. Embrace the winds of change and honor what your inner compass is leading you towards. You are becoming the version of yourself you envisioned a long time ago, beautiful.
You’re not looking for a fleeting romance. You’re not looking for yet another fling. You believe in commitment and you are seeking a partner who is willing to grow alongside you. The good thing is, the Universe is on your team, Gemini, and wants you to have everything you dream of and more. Just don’t be too rigid about how your desires manifest in the physical realm. Be flexible, and prepare to move in the ways that you’re being called to. Something tells us your life will never again look the same again.
This week, you’re experiencing a deep sense of yearning. A longing to realize your truth. To discover who you are, not who you have been told to be. Honor this quest and what it is leading you towards. Prepare to question your beliefs and break your own rules. Something tells us you are being prepared for alchemy of the highest order. When it comes to your romantic relationships, you are showing up with a brave heart. You understand that fear and faith co-exist. But, that shouldn’t stop you from experiencing the sweet nectar that is being poured into your chalice by the Love Gods.
This week, you are experiencing the insatiable desire to wander, to discover new places and explore the unexplored. A solo adventure or a romantic getaway could be on the cards for some. If this is true in your case, get your bookings in order. Planning ahead will ensure you are able to have the kind of experiences you’ve been yearning for. Single lions are being reminded that they have a choice. The power to jump into a new timeline, if you may. So, prepare to have all of your needs and wants met. Prepare to make space for a partner who’s willing to stand by you through thick and thin and weather the stormiest of storms.
This one’s on you, Virgo. You knew exactly what you were getting into. You were able to sense trouble from a mile away. Yet, you chose to show them your vulnerabilities. Yet, you chose them to give them the chance they didn’t deserve. Word for the wise: take a moment to draw your boundaries and cut the cords wherever necessary. Oh, and one more thing! Honor your need to withdraw from this relationship/situation temporarily. Take the time and space you need to process your emotions.
This week, you’re being asked to observe the tension between what you want and what the Universe wants for you. When things don’t work out in the manner that you envisioned them to, know that you’re being protected, not punished. Know that there is a plan in place for you and that you are going to go places. The real question is: are you willing to drop the resistance and move into a space of allowance? On the upside, things on the love and romance front promise to take a turn for the better. Something tells us a passionate affair is on the cards for you, Libra.
You know what, Scorpio? The on-again, off-again game is getting a little old. If they reappear only when it’s convenient for them to, you’ve got a problem at hand, beautiful. Word for the wise: reaffirm your boundaries and ask for clarity. If you’re not getting what you want here, know that you have the permission to move on. The Universe is supporting you to make that vibrational shift. Are you willing to take a chance?
The truth is, we know. We always know who’s a vibration match for us and who isn’t. This is true in your case too. But the heart wants what it wants, Sagittarius, and that’s okay. The good thing is, you gave them a chance. You gave *yourself* a chance to figure out if this is something you want to explore. Now that you have clarity, focus on letting go with ease and letting go with love. Spirit’s got a plan for you. Spirit’s got a plan for you, beautiful.
The full moon in Aries was all kinds of turbulent. It brought up challenges you weren’t prepared to face. It brought up emotions that caused a sense of turmoil within. So, do yourself a favor and let go of the need to be productive at all times. Give yourself a chance to recalibrate your energies and recuperate from what was. Your heart and mind need rest, Capricorn. On the professional and creative front, become aware of the new openings and potential collaborations. The cosmic climate is supporting you to move in a whole new direction.
Uh-oh! We’ve got a case of self-sabotage on the cards. You’re doing that thing where you are going back to the patterns you thought you had triumphed over. You’re doing that thing where you are letting into your life the people who have proved to be unworthy of your love. Do yourself a favor and take a good look in the mirror. Remember the shining beam of light that you are and all that you are worth. You have the power to make that paradigm shift, Aquarius, and this is something the Universe is urging you to do right now.
This week, you’re re-examining your relationship with your body and committing to show up for your sacred vessel in a way you never have before. Remember, it’s not about counting your calories or following fad diets. It’s about nurturing your body holistically and ensuring its needs are met. Delving deeper into wellness and nutrition is highly recommended at this time. Those who are drawn towards alternative therapies are being encouraged to study modalities such as Reiki, bach flower remedies, aromatherapy and sound healing.