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Your Weekly Horoscope: July 4, 2022 to July 10, 2022

june horoscope

Artwork by Rohan Hande

This, right here, is the life of your dreams and you are inside of it, Aquarius! Today, you’re being asked to slow down and appreciate the grace and beauty that surrounds you as you tell yourself that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Scorpio, you’re being reminded that it isn’t always about you. The other people on the table are just as important. So, practise active listening. Hold space for the crew to share their opinions too. Being receptive is the key to learning new things, beautiful. Gemini, that social calendar looks rather busy. You want to RSVP to everything that’s coming your way, but you also want to spend quality time with yourself. Make sure you strike a balance between the two.

So, what does the week ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s hop in and find out!



Maybe this conversation isn’t about the external enemy. Maybe it’s about recognizing the demons within. About looking your fears in the eye and challenging yourself to move forward despite their presence. Cross the threshold, Aries. Remember who you are and why you started walking this path. What you will realize in the process is that everything you seek has been seeking you as well.



You are not a victim of your circumstances, Taurus. You never were. You are being asked to remember that you are in the driver’s seat of your life and to reclaim the reins you relinquished. You get to decide what works for you and what doesn’t. You get to decide the rules of this relationship. You get to visualize what the future looks like as you begin to take action in the right direction. Remember, those who are meant to be in your life will respect you (rather than rejecting you) for showing up as the most embodied version of yourself.



It’s one of those weeks when the social invitations are pouring in from every corner. You want to say yes to everything that’s coming your way but you also want to say yes to ‘me time’. As always, learn to find a balance, Gemini. Make time to traverse inwards; to introspect on everything that you have experienced over the past few months. Something tells us you are going to have sudden revelations on your path and purpose!



You’ve been carrying them in your heart, Cancer. But have you expressed your innermost desires to them? Have you given them a tour of your inner landscape? This week, you’re being asked to find a balance between your romantic and practical side. To take more initiative when it comes to this connection and to free yourself from the fear of rejection. What the Oracle is reminding you: things have a way of coming together in the most unexpected manner.



You are in the energy of it, Leo! You are in the life you manifested a long time ago. So before you move any further, take a moment to appreciate where you are now. At the same time, take a moment to check in with your vision board. The desired destination is still further away, and that’s okay. The good thing is, you’re willing to put in the work it takes to make your dreams a reality. PS: Trust that you’re blessed with all the cosmic support you need in order to level up.



You’re tired of playing the distant and aloof card. You’re tired of playing by the rules that have been laid by those who walked the path before you. You want to be passionate and you want to be intense and you want to be dramatic. You want to be your own brand of crazy without worrying about what the other person might say. Wearing your heart on your sleeve is not a crime, beautiful. Rumor has it that it is the secret that will take your relationship to the next level.



We get it, Libra! You’re attached to your opinions. You believe you’ve got it all together and that nobody can possibly meet your standards. The flaw in this plan? You end up isolating yourself from others. What the cards are reminding you this week is to allow yourself to be in receptive mode once in a while. To allow yourself to listen to the opinions of others as well. Learning that there is a lot more to learn in this lifetime will help you stay humble.



It isn’t always about you, Scorpio! The other people on the table are just as important. This week, you’re being asked to practice active listening. To hold space for the crew to share their opinions too. Being receptive is the key to learning new things, beautiful. When it comes to professional matters, you are being reminded that you are on the right track. Let go of your need for instant gratification as you continue to put in the best you can. You will look back at this period as a significant period of growth in your life.



Take a moment to reflect on the trajectory of your life. Are you where you’ve always wanted to be? If not, take a moment to realign. What the cards are reminding you is that the reality you desire and deserve is available to you, now and in every moment. You just just have to open your heart and allow yourself to receive what has always been yours. So allow yourself to receive what has always been yours without the fear that it will all come crumbling down.



What makes *you* happy, Capricorn? What puts a smile on your face? This week, instead of seeking happiness in the external, turn your gaze within. Engage in activities that remind you of your inherent nature and awaken the child within. What the Oracle wants you to remember: an afternoon spent coloring is not a waste. But that doesn’t mean you’re going to have to do it all by yourself. You are surrounded by people who uplift your spirit. Nurture these connections that feel like home, beautiful.



This, right here, is the life of your dreams and you are inside of it, Aquarius! Today, you’re being asked to slow down and appreciate the grace and beauty that surrounds you as you remind yourself that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. As such, your adventurous side is also coming to the fore this week. You may feel inspired to invest your time and energy into a new craft, one that you’re entirely unfamiliar with, or sign up for a course or workshop of some sort. Trust the impulses and know that they are leading you in the right direction.



This week, you will have the choice between doing what looks good on paper, and walking your true path. We do hope you let go of your fear of rejection. We do hope you free yourself from the script that has been handed down to you by those before you. Following your inner compass will require you to disappoint a few people, and that’s okay, Pisces. When it comes to matters of the heart, you’re being guided to move into a space of clarity. To express what you desire from this connection unapologetically. Remember, being with the right person will never feel like work.

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