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Your Weekly Horoscope: October 3, 2022 to October 9, 2022

june horoscope

Artwork by Rohan Hande

Aries, contemplate on what it is that you are holding onto and what it is that’s holding you back. The answer is a lot more complex than it seems right now. The good thing is, you have a multitude of tools at your disposal. Explore creative forms of expression. Think of art as both catharsis and therapy. The full moon in your sign this weekend is holding space for you to free yourself from the old story. Capricorn, the cards are bringing your attention to your ambitious side. The part of you that believes in the impossible and is determined to bring about a great change in the collective consciousness. Take this as an affirmation that you’re on the right track and that your efforts will yield magnificent results. Aquarius, maybe you don’t have to have definitive answers to all of your questions. Maybe you don’t have to jump to conclusions. Find certainty in the uncertainty. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable. The mysteries will reveal themselves unexpectedly in due course of time. 

So, what does the week ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s explore.



This week, you’re being reminded of these golden words by Buddha: ‘‘Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.’’ Word for the wise: turn your gaze inwards. Contemplate on what it is that you are holding onto and what it is that’s holding you back. The answer is a lot more complex than it seems right now. The good thing is, you have a multitude of tools at your disposal. Tools that will help you process what you have suppressed over the years. Explore creative forms of expression, Aries. Think of art as both catharsis and therapy. The full moon in your sign this weekend is holding space for you to free yourself from the old story.



This is a test, Taurus. The reason you have found yourself in these circumstances is because the Universe wants to test your resolve. The Universe wants to gauge how committed you are to your intentions and the goals you set for yourself earlier this year. So don’t deviate from the path or accept less than what you deserve. What you want to do instead is address those self-worth issues and remember that you are so much more than you allow yourself to believe you are, beautiful.



It’s easy to make somebody else the villain in your story. But, the truth is, they’re merely playing the role of the catalyst, Gemini. The catalyst that’s awakening you to your truth by mirroring certain unhealed aspects of yourself. Word for the wise: it’s time to look at your situation from a higher perspective. To introspect on what needs to be healed or transformed within. Delving into the shadows requires a ton of courage. The good thing is, the Universe is holding space for you to face the so-called darkness within.



Today, you’re grateful. You’re grateful that the Universe kept you a little uncomfortable. You’re grateful that your circumstances compelled you to move and embrace the winds of change. You recognize that there is no such thing as a good or bad experience. That everything’s meant to serve a higher purpose, and that every experience is in its own way awakening us to the gift we carry within ourselves. So turn your wounds into wisdom, beautiful. Let your pain transmute into power. Something tells us you are ready to show up as the most embodied version of yourself.



But, *you* are the Universe. You are the Universe living, breathing, singing, dancing and sashaying in human form. This week, you are awakening to your inherent magic, exploring your creative side, and adding more beauty and drama to the manifest world. You came here for a reason, Leo, and realizing your highest potential is the most important one of them. What’s more, the goddesses of fertility are on your side. Invoke their energies to clear any blockages you may be feeling so you can experience the beauty of birth in its entirety.



Do you want to have a relationship with your coworkers that’s merely transactional? Something to think about as you sip on your morning tea, beautiful. This week, you’re being encouraged to get to know them outside of the workplace. To initiate a plan for dinner and drinks or organize an off-site where everybody can get to know each other on an informal level. Those who work solo or in WFH setups are being encouraged to change things up as well. Completing that project from a co-working space *and* being around like-minded individuals could just be the secret to activating the flow of your creative juices.



Your prayers are being heard, your desires are being fulfilled, and blessings are being sent your way in abundance. What a beautiful time to be you, Libra! Trust that you are on the right path and that you will only progress further. Trust that your love will be reciprocated and that you will soon be presented with the opportunity to build a beautiful life together. Remember, making yourself vulnerable does not make you weak. So tell them exactly how you feel and how grateful you are for their presence in your life. PS: The full moon this weekend promises to be all kinds of magical.



But, what about those conflicting thought patterns, Scorpio? What about the beliefs that are keeping you from manifesting that which you truly desire? For instance, you may be trying to procure large sums of money to fund a certain project. At the same time, you may be holding onto the belief that you are unworthy of the abundance that you are calling into your world. Word for the wise: you already know what needs to be offered to the sacrificial fire. Honor this as an invitation to look within and do the dirty work.



But, the Universe has been giving you signs. The Universe has been giving you signs for sometime now. It’s time to take those rose-tinted glasses off and recognize this situation for what it is. Don’t let nostalgia become the reason you continue to hold onto that which has been draining your reserves. What you want to do instead is lay your trust in the divine plan. Overheard at the cosmic conference: the stars are rearranging themselves in order to help you realize your wildest dreams and manifest your best life, Sagittarius.



This week, the cards are bringing your attention to your ambitious side. The part of you that believes in the impossible and is determined to bring about a great change in the collective consciousness. Take this as an affirmation that you’re on the right track and that your efforts will yield magnificent results, beautiful. Don’t make the mistake of believing that you can achieve everything on your own, though. Having the right team by your side is integral to the growth and development of this project. Focus on syncing your forces with those who will help you move effortlessly in the direction of growth.



Maybe you don’t have to have definitive answers to all of your questions. Maybe you don’t have to jump to conclusions. Find certainty in the uncertainty. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable, Aquarius. The answers will reveal themselves unexpectedly in due course of time. But, that doesn’t mean you should shy away from having an intervention or asking for support when it is required. The cards are urging you to free yourself from the toxic thought patterns that are keeping you from making space for the love you desire and deserve.



There was always more to this connection. Pisces, and this something you have been aware of since the beginning of time. So, what’s keeping you from baring your heart and soul? What’s keeping you from being open and honest about your feelings this time around? Overheard at the cosmic conference: timing is everything, beautiful. Remember, fears and insecurities have a way of making an appearance unexpectedly. When they do, observe them from a place of awareness, remind yourself that vulnerability is not for the faint-hearted and that you have been blessed with an inner reserve of strength, courage and wisdom.

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