Gemini, you’ve never been one to follow the rules. So, why start now? Right now, you’re being encouraged to push your own boundaries. To give yourself the permission to move differently, grow differently, and color boldly outside the lines. Just a reminder: you inspire others simply by being your most authentic self, now and in every moment. Aries, you feel like you’ve been reborn. That you’ve just emerged from the dark night of the soul into a reality that feels rather unfamiliar. Give yourself the time and space you need to be, to breathe, and to acclimate. You are in the process of creating a new reality for yourself. You are in the process of redirecting the script of your life with the kind of plot twists you once considered impossible! Sagittarius, this is *your* story! You are the creative director of your life! So, ask yourself whether the given opportunity is in alignment with your sacred purpose before you commit to it. Placing ‘service’ at the front and centre of everything you do will propel you in the direction of growth, beautiful.
So, what does the week ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s explore!
Aries, you feel like you’ve been reborn. That you’ve just emerged from the dark night of the soul into a reality that feels rather unfamiliar. Give yourself the time and space you need to be, to breathe, and to acclimatize. You are now in the process of creating a new reality for yourself. You are now in the process of redirecting the script of your life with the kind of plot twists you once considered impossible. Overheard at the cosmic conference: you are infinite, and so is the possibility of what you can co-create.
It’s okay to feel lost and confused. We all do once in a while, Taurus. What Spirit is offering you right now is the opportunity to rewrite the script. So, sit down with the questions and allow the answers to unravel in due course of time. Trust that you will soon receive the clarity you are seeking. If you feel like you’ve put your dreams on the backburner or spent your life bending yourself backwards in order to accommodate others, your circumstances will compel you to confront these self-sabotaging patterns. Understanding where you end and others begin is a lesson you’re being called to learn, wild one.
Gemini, you’ve never been one to follow the rules. So, why start now? This week, you’re being encouraged to push your own boundaries. To give yourself the permission to move differently, grow differently, and color boldly outside the lines. Just a reminder: you inspire others simply by being your most authentic self, now and in every moment. When it comes to matters of the heart, this is a time to transmute wounds into wisdom. When things refuse to go our way, we can either get bitter or better. Something tells us, you’re in the mood to choose the latter today!
This week, you’re honoring the sacred rebel within, coloring boldly outside the lines, and going on all sorts of adventures that awaken the spirit of joy within. If you’ve been indoors for a while, make time to feel the warmth of the sun against your skin and the wind in your hair. Spending time in nature, especially with kindred spirits, promises to be all kinds of therapeutic! When it comes to your closest relationships, introspect on the patterns that are repeating themselves. If you’re the kind of person who puts their own needs on the backburner in order to please others, your circumstances will compel you to face your shadows, draw your boundaries *and* learn to prioritize yourself.
It’s official, Leo! You’re in your divine era! You’re accepting yourself fully, showering yourself with love, tending to your garden, sharing your sacred gifts and inspiring change on a collective level! This is what it feels like to be thriving, god/dess! This is what it feels like to be living your best life! Things on the financial front are also likely to take a turn for the better in the coming months. For now, focus on clearing your dues and making the payments that have been pending for some time now. A good way to stay in the energy of abundance is to bless each bill that comes your way.
Now is *not* the time to give mixed signals, Virgo! Now is the time to move into a space of clarity about what it is that you desire and send an intention out to the mysterious forces above. Something tells us your angels and spirit guides are working overtime to bring you into alignment with that which you desire and deserve! Virgos in love, now is *not* the time to focus on what isn’t working out. It’s time to sync your forces, to tap into that space of love and kindness and to find amicable solutions as a couple. When in doubt, remember why you embarked upon this journey together.
This week, you feel like you’re making your way out a dark tunnel and into the light. You understand why your soul chose certain lessons and how the sacrifices you’ve made have enabled you to get where you are today. Take a moment to acknowledge the past *and* the past versions of yourself. At the same time, take a moment to revisit your vision board *and* recommit to your path and purpose. It’s time to march forward and onwards, Libra! Something tells us you’re just getting started!
But, life *always* gives us a second chance! Instead of focusing on what isn’t working out, focus on how you can show up for all of life’s juiciness and deliciousness with a brave and open heart. Remember, we can either get bitter or better. Choose the latter no matter what. When it comes to your career and creative endeavours, you’re being asked to practice patience. ‘Consistency’ is and will always be the secret ingredient, magical one. Trust that the desired destination is closer than it appears.
This is *your* story, Sagittarius! You are the creative director of your life! So, ask yourself whether the given opportunity is in alignment with your sacred purpose before you commit to it. Placing ‘service’ at the front and centre of everything you do will propel you in the direction of growth, beautiful. When it comes to your romantic relationships, you’re being encouraged to move into a space of clarity. Knowing what you desire will help you communicate your needs to the other person. Just a reminder: you are not ‘too much’, despite what you have been conditioned to believe.
It’s okay if you feel like your heart is being broken into a million pieces. It’s okay if you feel like you’ll never rise from this fall, or feel joy coursing through your veins again. We have no false optimism to offer you today! Just a reminder that you owe it to yourself to feel everything that you are feeling and hold space for what’s emerging from your subconscious. There’s something about the gift of loving awareness, Capricorn. There’s something about the gift of loving awareness that has a way of turning our wounds into wisdom and our pain into power.
It’s not over until you’ve written everything on a piece of paper, burnt the letter, and offered the ashes of your old life to Mother Gaia! Of course you didn’t need us to tell you that, Aquarius! Sync yourself with the energy of the waning moon to release what no longer serves your highest and greatest good, whether that’s a relationship that has lived past its expiration date, or an old pattern. Just a reminder: there’s order in chaos, Water Bearer. Even though things look awry at the moment, trust that everything you’re facing right now is propelling you in the direction of growth.
It doesn’t matter how old you are, Pisces! It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve failed or where you were before you got where you are today. Life is encouraging you to take a chance. So, take that chance, will you? Show up for all of life’s deliciousness and juiciness with a brave and open heart. Oh, and one more thing: It’s okay to be awkward and clumsy in the beginning. We all are! The only thing that matters is that you trust yourself enough to eventually make your way back to the shore.