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Your Weekly Horoscope: September 2, 2024 to September 8, 2024

What’s your love and career horoscope looking like for the coming seven days? Let Vogue Arabia help you find out via your weekly horoscope.

weekly horoscope

Artwork by Rohan Hande

New moon reminder, Taurus: you don’t always have to hustle to make things happen. Sometimes, the most powerful thing you can do is sit back, relax, and allow the blessings to come to you. Here are a few affirmations to get your magnetic field lit: “I am worthy of all the good things coming my way,” “I attract abundance effortlessly,” and “The universe is always conspiring in my favor.” We hear you, Virgo! Everything feels like it’s topsy-turvy at the moment. And let’s not get started on the soul lessons! Here’s what you need to remember when you’re trying to control everything: it’s okay to be a hot mess once in a while. Cry it out, journal your thoughts, or talk it out with a therapist or that one friend who always makes you feel safe. Libra, you’re feeling raw, you’re feeling tender, you’re feeling exposed — like the rug has been pulled from underneath your feet and now you don’t know where to go. If this is true in your case, be gentle with yourself and observe what your inner landscape is revealing to you at the moment. This is the perfect time to examine the dark corridors of your psyche and make the unconscious conscious. 

So what’s does the week ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s explore!

Aries weekly horoscope


Given that you’re in the midst of a major transition, things might feel a little hazy right now. Instead of pushing for answers or forcing things to happen as per your timeline, give yourself permission to be still. Make time to meditate, journal, or just sit in silence and tune into your higher self. By moving into a space of receptivity, you will allow for the guidance you are seeking to find its way to you naturally. Some of you may be dreaming about a sweet escape. If this is true in your case, sign up for that retreat or artist residency that’s been calling out to you. Oh, and one more thing! Now is a wonderful time to devote yourself to the practice of “morning pages”.

Taurus weekly horoscope


New moon reminder, Taurus: you don’t always have to hustle to make things happen. Sometimes, the most powerful thing you can do is sit back, relax, and allow the blessings to come to you. Here are a few affirmations to get your magnetic field lit: “I am worthy of all the good things coming my way,” “I attract abundance effortlessly,” and “The universe is always conspiring in my favor.” Say it, feel it in your bones, and watch the miracles unfold! That said, you’re also stepping into a period of fertility—literally and metaphorically. Whether you’re thinking about investing in a passion project or starting a family, now is the perfect time.

Gemini weekly horoscope


Conflict is showing up as a major theme right now, Gemini. Instead of going head-to-head with your “opponent”, step back and look at the bigger picture. Ask yourself: What really matters here? How can we all walk away feeling heard and respected? The key is to find that sweet spot where everyone feels like they got something out of the deal. On the personal front, you’re also being guided to scan your internal landscape and confront the contradictory beliefs that are hindering your growth. Just a reminder: you’re blessed with the ability to co-create a life that feels emotionally rich and financially abundant.

Cancer weekly horoscope


Here’s the thing, Cancer: you’ve been holding on too tightly—especially when it comes to money and resources. Take a moment to introspect on where this attitude is stemming from. As always, remember that the antidote to scarcity is gratitude and generosity. Even the smallest acts of kindness can help you tap into that divine flow. So, give with all your heart without being attached to a specific outcome. Know that everything you put into the cosmos will come back to your manifold. That said, you’re also being guided to tap into the power of affirmations. Here are a few you can work with:  “I am open to receiving all the abundance the universe has to offer,” “I release the need to control and trust that I am supported,” and “There is always more than enough for me.” 

Leo weekly horoscope


The new moon in Virgo is holding space for you to examine your daily habits. Are they lifting you up or dragging you down? Are they supporting you in your dream-weaving process as you go out there and take over the world? We have a sneaking suspicion you already know the answer to this one, Leo! Word for the wise: it’s time to strike a balance. It’s time to take a step in the direction of growth, beautiful. For instance, spending time journaling and meditating in the morning instead of virtually stalking people from your past. Speaking of which, a certain somebody may be trying to enter into your life through the back door. You already know why things didn’t work out in the first place. Do you really want to give them yet another chance?

Virgo weekly horoscope


We hear you, Virgo! Everything feels like it’s topsy-turvy at the moment. And let’s not get started on the soul lessons! Here’s what you need to remember when you’re trying to control everything: it’s okay to be a hot mess once in a while. Cry it out, journal your thoughts, or talk it out with a therapist or that one friend who always makes you feel safe. You don’t have to do this alone. On the upside, things on the work front are beginning to move forward after a period of stagnation. Your new moon ritual: investing in the projects that make you feel *alive*! To take a leap of faith, even if that means being your own cheerleader for a while.

Libra weekly horoscope


Right now, you’re feeling raw, you’re feeling tender, you’re feeling exposed — like the rug has been pulled from underneath your feet and now you don’t know where to go. If this is true in your case, be gentle with yourself and observe what your inner landscape is revealing to you at the moment. This is the perfect time to examine the dark corridors of your psyche and make the unconscious conscious. That said, you’re also being encouraged to find a creative outlet for the wounds that are resurfacing at the moment. Don’t know what to do or where to start? In her book, The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron recommends an “artist’s day”, which involves setting aside weekly time for a solo adventure that nurtures your creative side. This could include visiting an art museum, exploring the wilderness, attending a gig, or experimenting with a new hobby. PS: Say “yes” to what ignites your inner fire!

Scorpio weekly horoscope


If downward spiral has been your favorite asana lately, this is your reminder to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being—to consciously make time for the things that bring joy and sparkle back into your life. Make art, spend time in nature, touch grass, plan a sleepover with your bestie or simply cuddle with your furry friends. You get the drift, Scorpio! As such, some of you may also be dealing with a full blown existential crisis at the moment. Instead of rejecting feelings of ickiness and stickiness, turn your gaze inwards. Recognize that the discomfort is a part of the transformation process.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope


This week, it’s all about finding a middle ground between passion and profession. So, how do you make this magic happen? Start by asking yourself important questions: What do you love doing so much that you lose track of time? What are you ridiculously good at, and how can you use this gift to help others? Most importantly, how can you infuse more sparkle into your day job? Just a reminder: the world is your playground, Sagittarius. Give yourself the permission to toss the rulebook out of the window and relentlessly pursue that which sets your soul on fire.

Capricorn weekly horoscope


We’re telling you something you already know: this was meant to be, Capricorn! You were meant to find each other in this lifetime. Honor the invitation to get to know your beloved on a deeper level—to dream and scheme about your shared future. As for Saturnians who’ve been going steady for a while, this is your sign to move in together and/or exchange keys! Speaking of which, some of you may be in the mood to transform your home into a sanctuary—to give your space the glow-up it deserves. Enlisting the support of an architect or interior designer you trust may be a good idea right now.

Aquarius weekly horoscope


Today you’re being reminded by these wise words by Osho, “Life begins where fear ends.” Consider this soulscope as your sign to let go of the what-ifs and the maybes, and just leap! Take that risk, send that message, or book that spontaneous trip. Magic transpires every time you step outside your comfort zone, Aquarius. Of course, that doesn’t mean you’re going to have the plan of action down pat. Uncertainty is synonymous with the path less taken. The good thing is, you’re more courageous than you give yourself credit for, beautiful.

Pisces weekly horoscope


We hear you, Pisces! You’re doing your best to move forward, but you feel like your need to self-sabotage is getting the better of you. To improve your daily habits, start small and stay consistent. Maybe it’s setting a bedtime to actually get some sleep, swapping that morning doom scroll for a quick meditation, or just drinking more water through the day. Your routine doesn’t have to be perfect; it just needs to support your mental, emotional and physical well-being. Celebrate the small wins, and don’t beat yourself up if you slip up. ‘Progress over perfection’ is a mantra that will take you places!

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