What’s your love and career horoscope looking like for the coming seven days? Let Vogue Arabia help you find out via your weekly horoscope.
Focusing on your fitness goals is a big theme for you this week, Cancer. Every small step counts, so keep going. You’re doing great, moon child! Gemini, you’re doing that thing where you’re saying yes to everything and then giving yourself grief about how you have no time to play. Start by reassessing your relationship with responsibility and where your need to take on more than you can handle is stemming from. Remember, it’s okay to stop and smell the roses once in a while. Sagittarius, you feel like your heart has been shredded into pieces. That you don’t know who you are anymore or where you are heading. In moments like these, it is important to remember that playing the blame game is not going to serve you. So, turn your gaze inwards and reflect upon the lesson you need to integrate in order to evolve — without making excuses for yourself or the other person. There is hidden wisdom in here that will soon reveal itself.
So, what does the week ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s explore!
Aries weekly horoscope
Have you *really* let them go, or are you hung up on the idea of what could have been? We think you already know the answer to this one, Aries. Prepare for the new moon and eclipse in your sign by releasing what no longer serves you, and then reprogramming your mind to believe in the best possible outcome instead. Don’t just say it, though. Get lucid about the reality you are manifesting for yourself by visualizing it in your mind’s eye and then projecting it onto the big screen of the universe. Overheard at the cosmic conference: thoughts become things, beautiful!
Taurus weekly horoscope
You’ve reached your wit’s end, Taurus, and you have no idea how you got here. Consider this soulscope as your reminder to assess your relationship with responsibility — perhaps the belief that nothing will get solved unless *you* do the dirty work. Start by visualizing yourself as a vessel. As a vessel for the Divine Consciousness to express its magic. And then, simplify your to-do list and outsource the rest. Besides, what’s life without a little bit of play and a little bit of madness?
Gemini weekly horoscope
Gemini, you’re doing that thing where you’re saying yes to everything and then giving yourself grief about how you have no time to play. Start by reassessing your relationship with responsibility and why you feel like you need to take on more than you can actually handle. Remember, it’s okay to stop and smell the roses once in a while. If emotional burden has been a constant, turn your gaze inwards and be present to all that is resurfacing at the moment. As always, remember that the waning moon cycle is a potent time to practice release rituals.
Cancer weekly horoscope
Focusing on your fitness goals is a big theme for you this week. Every small step counts, so keep going. You’re doing great, moon child! The cards are also affirming your progress when it comes to your career and professional life. But, before you move forward, take a moment to revisit your vision board—to ensure the actions you’re taking today align with the long-term goals you have in mind for yourself and the collective.
Leo weekly horoscope
The world will do what the world does best — which is throw one challenging situation your way after another. But, you have a choice, Leo. You have a choice to stay in your centre. So, tune the noise out, take deep breaths, and find your nirvana. “Balance” and “harmony” are your power words right now. Legal matters could also be taking centerstage for some of you. Instead of getting overwhelmed, approach an attorney you trust to help you navigate the challenges that may lie ahead. That said, getting your paperwork in order is imperative.
Virgo weekly horoscope
It’s time to get lucid, Virgo! It’s time to dream bigger dreams and project them on the big screen of the universe. Overheard at the cosmic conference: your spirit guides are working overtime to get you in alignment with the life you have always visualized for yourself. So, work with them in a conscious manner to co-create the wealth and abundance you’ve always desired for yourself. That said, a major level up may also be on the cards for you when it comes to your career — especially for those who’ve been eyeing that corner office.
Libra weekly horoscope
The full moon + eclipse in your sign was all kinds of intense, Libra. But, it taught you what you needed to learn. It taught you how to stand up for yourself and to be your own person in every situation. Let “independence” continue to be your power word as you sashay into the new reality you have constructed for yourself. As such, you’re also being encouraged to take yourself out on Artist Dates (read Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way for inspo). Think of them not as artistic endeavours, but activities that spark whimsy and encourage play. Engagements that replenish your inner well of inspiration by bringing in new experiences. PS: See you at the movies, beautiful!
Scorpio weekly horoscope
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: *you* are the creator of your reality. The thoughts you think and the words you speak have a profound impact on how the script of your life unfolds. So, move as if what you’ve asked for is already yours! Speak as if the entire universe is conspiring to fulfil your dreams and desires. You know what they say, Scorpio: You are only limited by your imagination.
Sagittarius weekly horoscope
You feel like your heart has been shredded into pieces. That you don’t know who you are anymore or where you are heading. In moments like these, it is important to remember that playing the blame game is not going to serve you. So, turn your gaze inwards and reflect upon the lesson you need to integrate in order to evolve — without making excuses for yourself or the other person. There is hidden wisdom in here that you will soon reveal itself.
Capricorn weekly horoscope
It’s official, Capricorn! You’re stepping into your power as a leader, making your way to the top where you belong, inspiring others to unleash their highest potential *and* finding work-life balance. Overheard at the cosmic conference: you are a force to be reckoned with this month. For some of you, the week ahead could bring positive changes to your romantic life. We’re talking about a divine counterpart who isn’t afraid to stand by you through the stormiest of storms as you dance the dance of life together.
Aquarius weekly horoscope
“I’m living my best, most expanded, most abundant life.” Here’s your affirmation for the rest of Aries season, Aquarius. If you’re looking for proof of magick, look around you! You are living the life you manifested for yourself a long time ago, calling in wealth and prosperity in your experience like a pro. What’s more, the week ahead sees you spending quality time with your family and your soul tribe. Consider this soulscope as your reminder to nurture the beautiful connections you’ve been blessed with in this lifetime.
Pisces weekly horoscope
Money matters are taking center stage for you this week. It’s true that your expenses are taking a toll on you. However, what *really* needs to be addressed is your beliefs about wealth and abundance. Just a reminder: there’s more than enough to go around. If you’re waiting on certain payments to be cleared, take a stance for yourself. Have a conversation with the other person about what you need in order to feel safe in the given situation. Overheard at the cosmic conference: *you* are the creator of your reality, Pisces.