Leo, this is no ordinary romance. This is the coming together of two unstoppable forces of nature. Something tells us your love is going to flourish with you, wild one! ‘Wanderlust’ is the word for the month, Virgo. You’re in the mood to explore unexplored terrains, break free from the shackles of conditioning, move beyond the ‘shoulds’ and the ‘musts’ and tap into your own true divine nature. Remember, choosing the path less trodden will require you to disappoint a few people, and that’s okay. You didn’t come here to adhere to a certain script or dull your sparkle in order to be more palatable. Libra, December was an action-packed month for you, and quite frankly, you’re exhausted! You’re making your way into 2024 slowly, deliberately, and mostly in your PJs. You want to take a break from the hustle and engage in the activities that bring joy and sparkle in the narrative. So, make art, make coffee, sign up for singing lessons, join a bachata class, have fun with ceramics, host a book club meeting. Let your heart and soul guide you in the direction of the new as you release the fear of the unknown!
So, what does the week ahead have in store for each of the signs? Remember, these horoscopes can be read according to your sun, moon or rising! PS: May the new year bring you and your beloved joy, sparkle, hope, love, abundance and magick!
We get it, Aries. This is not how you expected to begin the year. Do yourself a favor and hold space for everything that’s coming up for you at this moment, whether it’s anger, sadness, melancholy or resentment. Know that the gift of awareness will help you transmute what no longer serves your highest and greatest good and eventually write a brand new narrative. On a side note, if you need to forgive somebody, forgive them. Recognize their role as a catalyst that’s helping you awaken and embody your own truth, beautiful.
If there’s one thing you need to know as you enter 2024, it’s that you’re going to make your way to the finish line in style. Know that the challenges have been placed in your path for a reason. Remember that the challenges are enabling you to level up and show up in the big, bad world as the most embodied version of yourself. Taurus, you have nothing to worry about as long as you stay focused on your vision and your mission. As for the chapters that are coming to an end? Know that they have served their purpose as well.
Right now, there’s an inner knowing within you that you are where you are supposed to be and that everything is unfolding as per the divine plan. There’s no need to play that ol’ game of tug of war. No need to push against the flow or rush to get to a certain place by a certain time. By trusting the rhythm and flow of the cosmos, you will go places, Gemini. As such, the theme of reclaiming your magic is showing up strongly. If you’re been thinking about delving deeper into the occult, studying tarot, numerology, astrology, yoga or philosophy, this is your green flag to let your soul guide you!
But you’re not limited by your circumstances. If something isn’t working out the way you envisioned it would, you have the power to move differently, to choose differently. Exercise the power of free will, beautiful. Overheard at the cosmic conference: golden opportunities are knocking at your door! On the downside, you could be letting something or someone go as you make your way into the new year. The grief is real, Cancer, and the grief is yearning to be acknowledged by you. Sit down with the pain and listen to what it has to say today.
But this is no ordinary romance, Leo. This is the coming together of two unstoppable forces of nature. Something tells us your love is going to flourish with you, wild one! As such, 2024 sees you entering into a period of stability when it comes to your career and finances. Yes, it’s been a long and lonely road, and only you know about the sacrifices you’ve had to make in order to get where you are today. Consider this soulscope as an affirmation that harvest season is near and that you will be rewarded generously for your efforts.
‘Wanderlust’ is the word for the month, Virgo. You’re in the mood to explore unexplored terrains, break free from the shackles of conditioning, move beyond the ‘shoulds’ and the ‘musts’ and tap into your own true divine nature. Remember, choosing the path less trodden will require you to disappoint a few people, and that’s okay. You didn’t come here to adhere to a certain script or dull your sparkle in order to be more palatable. You came here to be the change, to make a difference and to leave a legacy of authenticity behind.
December was an action-packed month for you, and quite frankly, you’re exhausted! You’re making your way into 2024 slowly, deliberately, and mostly in your PJs. You want to take a break from the hustle and engage in the activities that bring joy and sparkle in the narrative. So, make art, make coffee, sign up for singing lessons, join a bachata class, have fun with ceramics, host a book club meeting. Let your heart and soul guide you in the direction of the new as you release the fear of the unknown!
If it’s feeling like an uphill battle right now, it probably is, Scorpio. The good news is you don’t have to do it alone and all on your own. You always have the option to seek help. So, give yourself the permission to reach out to the fellow unicorns who make you feel safe. As such, this is also a time of turning your gaze inwards. A time of honing your craft and practising rituals that foster your connection with the divine mother. Oh, and if you’ve been thinking about delving deeper into the occult or signing up for a course of some sort, this is your green flag from the universe!
But you didn’t come here to live a mediocre life or to adhere to a script that has been authored by those who walked the path before you. You came here to be you, fiercely and authentically so. You came here to walk your path with an open heart and stand up for the truth even if you’re standing alone. So, don’t let the ‘shoulds’ and the ‘musts’ get the better of you, Sagittarius. Reconnect with yourself, your truth, and let your inner compass guide you towards the unknown. You have miles to go before you can sleep!
We’ve got a devil and the deep blue sea situation at hand, Capricorn. But, you don’t need us to tell you how this game you’re playing is going to end. So, move into a space of awareness. Notice how you’ve been repeating certain patterns on loop and sabotaging your own happiness as a result of this. Today, the cards are urging you to take a shot of courage and cut the cords, once and for all. You deserve better, beautiful. You deserve peace, joy, fulfilment and love.
If not now, then when? Don’t let age be a barrier, Aquarius. Trust the stirrings of your heart and take that first step. Given the magic that surrounds you, anything is possible! As such, you’re also being asked to set your intentions for what you want to call into your universe in the coming year, whether it’s joy, love, creativity or abundance. Now is the perfect time to update your vision board *and* journal. If you’ve got manifestation on your mind, work with amethyst.
But there’s a silver lining! There’s always a silver lining. This is something you need to remember as you make your way into the new year. What feels like the worst thing will soon reveal a hidden blessing, beautiful one. On the upside, money magick is showing up as a big theme for you right now. The beginning of 2024 sees you calling in the abundance you truly deserve. If you’ve put in the work, trust that the fruit of your labour will make their way to you in divine time. PS: Harnessing the magic of pyrite (associated with wealth and prosperity) is highly recommended.