The day after the Met Gala antics, Sofia Richie swapped out her dazzling gold gown and high heels for a more comfortable ensemble. She was spotted out and about in New York looking ever-so chic, dressed in a light blue Madiyah Al Sharqi robe coat with dark grey rabbit fur-lined collar and cuffs, paired with a simple white crop top and track pants from Givenchy.
The designer behind the coat is Sheikha Madiyah Al Sharqi, the daughter of the ruler of Fujairah. Having grown up immersed in the world of fashion, she has already been recognized by Vogue Italia and was a finalist in the 2013 Woolmark Prize. Known for experimenting with contrasting textiles, Madiyah’s latest collection plays with a range of different fabrics, intricate embroideries, and subtle color palettes. The floral lace robe coat worn by Sofia Richie is part of Madiyah Al Sharqi’s Autumn/Winter 2017 collection, and will be available for purchase in fall on
Discover where to shop Madiyah’s Spring 2017 collection here.