Saudi designer Sadeem Alshehail launched Sadeem with a desire to create timeless pieces “that you can dress up or down. I don’t want my clothes to wear you,” she said at the Fashion Forward Paris showroom, a few weeks ahead of her show in Dubai.
Her brand offers ethically-made, tailored clothing for a woman who favors reliable staples that will make her look polished, from day to night. The Sadeem Spring 2018 RTW offering is a nod to nautical dress. The clothes, slim-fit and A-line dresses and casual, two-piece suits in navy, white, and orange recall the happy-go-lucky atmosphere of an afternoon of sailing along the Amalfi Coast. They are carefree and classy and yet, “ethical and sustainable” are the words that the Saudi designer, who lives between Dubai and Riyadh, refers to when speaking about her label. Her recycled fabrics are sourced from Japan, though “regional suppliers were keen to bring in what I needed, since Dubai has a ways to go when it comes to sustainable fabrics,” she said.
Alshehail is firm on using non-toxic materials so as not to contribute to the second most polluting industry in the world, after oil. As for her brand’s home base of Dubai, she remarks, “When I first arrived at d3 I was in awe, everything is here. When I first started in New York, I got ‘Good luck honey, you are no one in this town.’ What I love about d3 is the support it gives us. And anyway, Dubai is the future.”
See the full Sadeem Spring 2018 collection
Missed the show? Watch the Sadeem Spring 2018 RTW livestream.