Priyanka Chopra wed Nick Jonas on Sunday at the Taj Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur, India, in a lavish Hindu wedding, which was preceded by a traditional Christian wedding on Saturday. For the couple’s big days, the bride and groom chose two custom creations by Ralph Lauren, who states that he “was honored to have dressed the couple”.
For the first ceremony, which was presided over by Jonas’s pastor father, Chopra wore a strapless column dress embellished with sequins. The jaw-dropping creation featured a high-necked coat, scalloped sleeves, 2,380,000 mother-of-pearl sequins, and a 75-foot tulle veil, in addition to a number of thoughtful hidden messages that pay tribute to the couple’s love.
According to People, the wedding gown had several pieces sewn into it, including a piece of her new mother-in-law Denise Jonas’s lace wedding dress. The dress also had Nicholas Jerry Jonas (her husband’s full name) and their wedding date, (December 1, 2018) hidden within its folds. The Quantico actress also paid a sweet tribute to her parents by having their names included. The traditional Hindi mantra “Om Namah Shivay,” and the words “family,” “hope,” “compassion,” and “love” were also embroidered into the gown, which took a staggering 1,826 hours to dream up.
And Chopra wasn’t the only one to incorporate hidden messages into her wedding day attire. The groom also had a piece of his new wife’s wedding dress hand-embroidered with the word “My Jaan” (Urdu for “my life”) at the interior lapel of his double-breasted tuxedo, just over his heart.
The American designer played a central role in the couple’s love story, so it’s fitting that he was commissioned to design their outfits. “Nickyanka’s” whirlwind romance began when they attended the 2017 Met Gala together both wearing the label. “We were both wearing Ralph Lauren! And we decided to go together because it was fun,” Chopra told Jimmy Kimmel shortly afterwards. “Yeah we were on the same table. We know each other so we were like, ‘Hey you know what, let’s go together.’ And I was like, ‘Okay. Let’s go together!’ It just ended up working out.” However the pair weren’t romantically linked until May 2018, when they started stepping out together on a series of dates.
Speaking to People, the actress revealed: “For the Western wedding, we had been talking to a bunch of incredible designers, but ultimately when Ralph Lauren approached us, I learned that Ralph has only designed three wedding dresses in 50 years — one for his daughter, his daughter-in-law, and his niece. I was blown away.” The designer also created the outfits worn by the bridesmaids, groomsmen, flower girls, and ring bearers.
Meanwhile, on Sunday for the couple’s traditional Hindu wedding, Chopra opted for a red lehenga custom-made by Indian designer Sabyasachi. The outfit, which featured organza flowers and silk French knots, also included hidden messages, including the name of her husband and parents stitched into the waistband of the skirt.
Chopra may have gotten the idea of incorporating hidden touches into her wedding garb from her close friend Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. In a new documentary about Queen Elizabeth, Queen of the World, the former actress revealed that she had a piece of the dress she wore on her first date with Prince Harry sewn into her Givenchy by Clare Waight Keller wedding gown as her “something blue”.
Chopra and Jonas’s week-long festivities kicked off last Wednesday with a number of traditional pre-wedding ceremonies, including a puja (a series of pre-wedding prayer rituals), a mehndi ceremony (an intimate event in which the bride has traditional henna tattoos applied to her arms and feet), and a sangeet (a celebrating that includes dancing and singing with family and friends.) After tying the knot, the couple jetted off to New Delhi on Tuesday to continue celebrating their nuptials with an elaborate wedding reception.
Of course, Chopra wasn’t done with the jaw-dropping wedding attire. For the occasion of the reception held at Taj Palace Hotel, the 36-year-old opted for a traditional, heavily-embellished lehenga from Falguni Shane Peacock and white roses tucked into her raked-back lengths, while the groom looked sharp wearing a velvet, blue tuxedo.
Now Read: Everything You Need to Know About Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’s Wedding