Those who have been following Priyanka Chopra Jonas‘s career closely will know that the Los Angeles and Mumbai-based actor always carves time out for initiatives she is passionate about. This time filming her Amazon series Citadel away from home in London, and preparing for roles in Matrix 4 and Text For You, the Indian star has joined Bulgari as its global ambassador for causes close to her heart. Together with the Roman high jewelry house, the actor and activist will be highlighting “women empowerment, diversity, and inclusion” around the world. “As a young actor, looking up at the international film stars like Elizabeth Taylor and Sophia Loren who have long been the muses of Bulgari, it’s a dream that now I get to work with such an iconic house and follow in their footsteps,” shared Chopra Jonas with Vogue Arabia.
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While the star admits to being a longtime fan of Bulgari’s stunning designs, it is the house’s connection to her home country that makes her role that much more special. Many of Bulgari’s pieces and fragrances feature gemstones and natural substances sourced from India. “I have always admired and been fascinated by Bulgari’s magnificent works of arts, so many of which celebrate some of the most precious resources of my homeland,” she adds. First on her list as the jeweler’s global ambassador is raising funds for Covid-19 relief in India alongside Bulgari. The initiative is a part of Chopra Jonas’s collaboration with the non-profit organization Give India to raise money for healthcare structures, medical equipment, and vaccine support after the country was hit with a second wave of the virus.
The actor’s new role also cements her place in the fashion world. Over the years, the star has served many inspiring fashion moments while championing sustainability. As for jewelry, Chopra Jonas is a collector with an appreciation for the value that goes beyond the glimmer of the pieces. “Jewelry is magical and a person’s jewelry box is the heart of any wardrobe… Filled with many memories and milestones,” she shares. “Mine is filled with so much joy, and I recognize the important role that jewelry plays in every person’s life.” As a self-confessed “daddy’s girl,” it is natural that one of her most cherished jewelry pieces is one given to her by her father. “I vividly remember my first solitaire diamond ring, which I received from my dad,” she says. “I still wear it today, and when I do I’m reminded of the pride in his smile when I first opened the box and put it on.”
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