Luxury e-commerce platform Farfetch has joined forces with footwear label Manolo Blahnik for an exclusive capsule collection, set to hit shelves on March 7. Featuring the SCIPIOS heel in five unique hues—ranging from vibrant orange to snow white—the limited edition collection marks the launch of Manolo Blahnik on the site. Kristina Blahnik, CEO at Manolo Blahnik, says: “The exclusive SCIPIOS style, which launches the relationship perfectly, embodies the essence of a simple yet perfectly formed Manolo Blahnik [shoe], and I am pleased it marks our arrival on the dynamic and contemporary site.” Pieces from the Spring ‘17 collections will also be available to Farfetch customers.
Blahnik, who is credited for reviving the stiletto in the 1970s, drew inspiration from a New York-based abstract expressionist famous for color-blocking for the patent leather heel collection. The five colorways include “The Romantic One” in pink, “The Mysterious One” in black, “The Modernist One” in white, “The Playful One” in nude, and “The Wild One” in orange.
The collaboration follows the launch of Manolo Blahnik’s first global e-commerce destination, which was powered by Farfetch last year. The news comes shortly after Natalie Massenet’s appointment as co-chairman of Farfetch.
The vibrant heels will retail at US $845; AED/SAR 3,103 each. See the full collection in the gallery ahead.