Bambah launched on to the Dubai scene with its carefully curated, high-end vintage boutique under the sharp eye of Maha Abdul Rasheed. After a few years as the leading destination for elegant pre-loved pieces, Rasheed took to the design studio and launched Bambah. The collection is now stocked on Farfetch and captures the classical glamour and ardor for the sharp silhouettes of the 1950s. Appliqué and oversized florals are a sartorial signature for the UAE-based designer.
As Rasheed shares with a striking video about her biggest style inspiration – her mother – we speak to the modest style pioneer about key tips for dressing on-point and find out what’s around the corner for the breakout brand.
How do you handle the nuances of women’s attire being striking yet conservative?
I think it all comes down to the woman’s character and how she carries herself. I strongly believe that modesty and fashion can co-exist and there are no limits to how you can make them both work. We are surrounded with the concept of modesty and it’s just about using your creativity and imagination in making it work the way you see fit.
What key style tips did you learn from your mother?
#1: Easy does it. When it comes to choosing outfits and layering clothes, I’ve learned from my mom that simplicity is king! She always tells me to wear the clothes and not let the clothes wear me.
#2: Softly, softly. Opt for light colors and soft linens, as they work very well together and are well suited for any occasion – whether a boardroom meeting or a night out with friends.
#3: Color co-ord. Always choose colors and textures that sit well together and complement your complexion and body shape.
#4: Accessorize! My mom always accessorized with elegant pieces, such as pearl necklaces, glamorous shoes, and nice rings to complete the look.
#5: Dress in comfort and confidence. My mom told me that whether you’re getting dressed in the morning to start the day or at night to begin your evening, you should remember to choose outfits that make you comfortable in who you are so you radiate confidence. Nothing looks better than a woman dressed in confidence. If your heels are too high and hurt your feet, don’t wear them.
#6: Be effortless. Don’t get lost by being surrounded with so many beautiful clothes and don’t put in too much effort trying to look good. She always tells me to dress for myself and not for anyone else; to move a lot, laugh a lot, and always have fun being who I am.
What is in the pipeline for the brand in 2017?
We’re very excited to be launching our SS18 in September, which was inspired by Jaipur, the Pink city in India. We’re also collaborating with an Indian shoe designer to launch a limited-edition capsule collection inspired by our trip to India.
Bambah’s Fall 2017 collection is available to purchase online now, entitled The Romance of Josephine. Bambah Boutique is located on The Boulevard, City Walk 2 in Building 13, Dubai, and available online.
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