Following the Cruise 2019 show at the French Riviera, Louis Vuitton is flying out its Cruise collection to the Big Apple. At New York City‘s John F. Kennedy Airport, the French luxury fashion house will send its Cruise 2020 collection down the runway on May 8. The chosen location pays homage to the “Art of Travel”, which is synonymous with Louis Vuitton.
The show will take place at the airport’s newly revamped TWA Flight Center, marking it as the first time for a luxury label to hold an event at the mid-century architectural landmark since it closed in 2001. The 200,000sqft structure is designed by Finnish-American architect Eero Saarinen and features a winged roof and tall glass windows.
Creative Director Nicolas Ghesquière first unveiled the location in November by posting a short video on Instagram which was a montage showing all the landmarks Louis Vuitton’s cruise shows have previously held at and then finally, the New York City skyline.
The iconic runway show will be one to watch and since we’d hate for you to miss it, here’s a live stream link offering you the digital front-row seat to Louis Vuitton’s Cruise 2020 show.
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