Bollywood icon Deepika Padukone has always been known for her effortless style, and a sense of fashion that seems to evoke an old-world elegance one rarely finds today. In a much-anticipated episode of the Indian talk show Koffee with Karan, Padukone once again enthralled her audience as she appeared in an all-black ensemble adorned by Cartier jewelry.
Having coordinated her outfit with her husband Ranveer Singh – another Bollywood style star – the actor opted for a Victoria Beckham cutout dress in a figure-hugging silhouette. However, what really uplifted the minimalist look were the Cartier accessories that celebrity stylist Shaleena Nathani paired with the ensemble.
Sitting delicately around her neck, the Cartier Juste un Clou necklace in 18k rose gold and diamonds is inspired by a nail, while a ring from the same collection can be found on her hand along with the Cartier Trinity ring and the Panthère de Cartier ring.
The 37-year-old has long been a friend of the Maison and was announced as an ambassador of the brand in 2022. “As an inspiring actress and committed philanthropist, Deepika embodies the Maison’s spirit and values of celebrating creativity, universality, and open-mindedness,” said Arnaud Carrez, Cartier’s Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, at the time.