Some of the world’s most luxurious designer items are now up for grabs. British auction house Christie’s is hosting its Handbags & Accessories Online: The London Edition from today, November 3 until November 17, including handbags from the most desired labels in fashion like Chanel, Christian Dior, , and Hermès. Opening at 5pm GST, this is an online event not to be missed.
The coveted handbags that will be available through the auction include the timeless Hermès Birkin bag and the Chanel classic flap bags, alongside over 200 other pieces. With items starting at an estimated price of around US $250, such as the Louis Vuitton coin purse emblazoned with a duck, and ranging to more extravagant goods priced over an estimated $100,000 — there’s something suited to every budget.
With the rise of the micro bag trend, many of the items are on the smaller side, including Lot 129, the White Lucite & Crystal Chanel Lego clutch bag with an estimated price of $2,520-$3,780, and Lot 41, the limited edition multicolored On a Summer Day Constance 24 with Palladium Hardware by Nigel Peake, Hermès bag, with an estimated price of $10,080-$12,600.
However, the stars of the auction are the Rare Matte White Himalaya Niloticus Birkin Hermès handbags. The items were made in 2014 with palladium hardware, featuring a graded color scheme said to reflect the snow-topped Himalaya mountains. Only a few of these stunning pieces have been made, making them a must-have for collectors. Earlier this year, in July, Christie’s sold a diamond-encrusted Hermès Himalaya Birkin bag for a record-breaking £230,000. With just three of these highly desirable bags available, it is expected that they will sell out quick.
Alongside the stunning array of handbags available in the auction, there are also some unique gems up for grabs. Lot 30, the Louis Vuitton x Supreme Red Classic Monogram Skateboard is one of the most unusual pieces available, priced at an estimated $5,040-$7,560. This sits alongside Lot 92, the rare 1920’s Louis Vuitton ‘flower-trunk’, named so for its ability to carry water and flowers without sustaining any damage. The exceptionally designed, zinc-lined trunk, estimated to cost between $18,900-$ 25,200, is made up of blue canvas and is just one of the many rare and spectacular goods on offer from Christie’s.
Christie’s Handbags & Accessories Online: The London Edition opens at 5pm GST today, November 3, and runs until November 17.
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