When Omani-Kuwaiti footwear designer Farah Sultan launched her brand Arnaa Shoes in 2015, her playful silhouettes were a nod to Vogue. “I was inspired by American artist Helen Dryden’s fashion illustrations published in Vogue in the 1920s,” says Sultan of the elegant and whimsical designs, with a hint of nostalgia.
Made in Italy, and sharing factories with the likes of Manolo Blahnik and Christian Louboutin, the luxury shoes showcase a solid study in proportion. This should come as no surprise, as Sultan is a graduate of the Arsutoria school in Milan.
Using velvet, leather, patent leather, and satin, this Fall 2017, Arnaa offers luxurious footwear with geometric accents –Vogue Arabia’s favorite being the mid-height block heel, featured above.
Farah Sultan is this year’s Design winner at the Arab Women Awards.