Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are officially husband and wife. The couple, who became engaged in July after a whirlwind romance, wed on Saturday at the Taj Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur, India. The five-day-long festivities kicked off last Wednesday with a number of traditional pre-wedding ceremonies, including a puja ceremony, a series of pre-wedding prayer rituals. The couple were photographed entering the bride’s mother’s home wearing festive Indian attire designed by Indian couturier Manish Malhotra.
A day after the puja, a professional henna artist met with the women for the mehndi ceremony, an intimate event in which the bride has traditional henna tattoos applied to her arms and feet. For the occasion, Chopra donned a colorful organdy sherwani by Mumbai-based label Khosla Jani, which she accessorized with a ruby-encrusted headpiece.
The mehndi was followed by the sangeet, a celebration that includes singing, dancing, and lots of food with family and friends. For the fun-filled night, guests decided to depict the newlyweds whirlwind romance through songs and skits (Chopra’s soon-to-be sister-in-law Sophie Turner danced for the couple on-stage). Chopra and Jonas were yet again spotted donning Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla ensembles.
The final pre-wedding celebration was the haldi ceremony, in which turmeric (haldi), oil, and water are applied to both the bride and groom in order to bless the couple before their wedding. The multi-day affair carried on into Sunday, where the couple officially tied the knot in a Hindu ceremony following a Christian wedding on Saturday, which was officiated by Jonas’s father (who is a former minister).
For the Christian wedding ceremony, both Chopra and Jonas wore custom Ralph Lauren designs — a fitting choice, considering their romance began when they attended the Met Gala together as friends, both wearing the America designer. “We were both wearing Ralph Lauren! And we decided to go together because it was fun,” Chopra told Jimmy Kimmel shortly afterwards. “Yeah we were on the same table. We know each other so we were like, ‘Hey you know what, let’s go together.’ And I was like, ‘Okay. Let’s go together!’ It just ended up working out.” The couple, who exchanged their vows with Chopard rings, got married in the presence of family and friends, which included the groom’s brothers Kevin and Joe Jonas, as well as Game of Thrones star Turner.
It was important for the newlyweds that their wedding blended their respective cultures, so the following day, the couple celebrated with family and friends again in a traditional Hindu ceremony. In a sweet post on their Instagram accounts, both Nick and Priyanka wrote that the “merging” of their cultures has been one of the most touching parts of their relationship. “One of the most special things that our relationship has given us is a merging of families who love and respect each other’s faiths and cultures,” they wrote. “And so planning our wedding with an amalgamation of both was so, so amazing. An important part of the pre-wedding rituals for the girl in an Indian wedding is the mehendi. Once again, we made it our own and it was an afternoon that kicked off the celebrations in the way we both dreamed.”
Since “Nickyanka” maintained a strict no-photo policy at their Sunday nuptials, it’s not yet known what the bride wore, however, according to E! , the Quantico star donned a traditional red bridal ensemble. The wedding came just months after the pop star proposed to the former Miss World on her birthday in July. Chopra held a bridal shower at Tiffany and Co.’s New York headquarters, followed by a bachelorette party in the Dutch city of Amsterdam.
After tying the knot in two lavish wedding ceremonies, the newlyweds were spotted departing Jodhpur on Monday. For their first outing as a married couple, the stylish duo stepped out in contrasting ensembles. Chopra wore an emerald, floor-length sari that was embroidered with golden floral details, which she elevated with cat-eye shades. Meanwhile, Jonas opted for a monochromatic Ermenegildo Zegna Couture jacket and trousers, which he paired with sneakers. The couple are reportedly flying to New Delhi, where they’ll hold a reception. We can’t wait to see what they will wear.
Mabrouk to the happy couple!
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