They’ve officially been husband and wife for one week, following a five-day wedding extravaganza in India earlier this month. Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas wed after a whirlwind engagement in both Christian and Hindu ceremonies, however, the couple have been invited to enjoy a third ceremony – at the world’s tallest building.
Emaar reached out to the newlyweds on Twitter and Instagram this week, extending an offer to host the couple should they want to exchange vows at the Burj Khalifa. “Your love story has melted our hearts,” the Dubai-based developer posted on social media. “We’d like to invite you to Dubai to say your vows once again, at the highest man-made point in the world: The Burj Khalifa spire. We’ve planned it all, DM us if you’re up for it.”
Chopra and Jonas, however, have not yet publicly responded to the invite – though the American musician did mark the seven-day anniversary of their wedding by sharing a new photograph with his Instagram followers. “One week ago,” 26-year-old Jonas captioned a shot of the couple cutting into a towering cream-and-gold cake, inspired by the design of Jodhpur’s Umaid Bhawan Palace, where they wed.
The couple are expected to remain in India before heading off to a “resort somewhere in the world” soon for a honeymoon, Chopra told People magazine last week. The newlyweds also revealed they would love to start a family, but are currently enjoying life as husband and wife for now. “We definitely want kids, and when the time is right, it will happen,” 36-year-old Chopra told the publication magazine shortly after saying “I do”. “Let us be married first for a while before we have to make all these big decisions,” added pop star Jonas. “We’re in our honeymoon period right now and we will be for a very long time.”
The couple, who became engaged in July, also released another new image from their nuptials this weekend, posting two family portraits against the backdrop of their wedding venue. “This is us. My family,” Chopra captioned the shots. It was important for the newlyweds that their wedding blended their respective backgrounds, with Chopra revealing that the fusion of their cultures has been one of the most touching parts of their union. “One of the most special things that our relationship has given us is a merging of families who love and respect each other’s faiths and cultures,” the star wrote on Instagram as the pre-wedding festivities kicked off.
“And so planning our wedding with an amalgamation of both was so, so amazing. An important part of the pre-wedding rituals for the girl in an Indian wedding is the mehendi. Once again, we made it our own and it was an afternoon that kicked off the celebrations in the way we both dreamed.”
Now Read: Newlyweds Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas “Definitely Want Kids”