They are set to say “I do” this weekend after a whirlwind romance, and Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have already touched down in India ahead of their impending nuptials. The couple, who became betrothed on the Quantico actress’s birthday in July, will marry between November 30 and December 2 in a lavish three-day affair, reportedly at the Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur, Rajasthan.
In the lead-up to the big day, the newlyweds-to-be have traveled to Chopra’s home nation, where the star heralded the arrival of musician Jonas in Delhi. “Welcome home baby, ” the actress captioned a shot of the two snuggled up in the city, where she has been shooting upcoming drama The Sky Is Pink.
The twosome also marked the American holiday of Thanksgiving in the sprawling city, with both sharing a picture of a large table, packed with friends and family. “What a beautiful Thanksgiving. Hope you all had the best day with your loved ones,” said 26-year-old pop star Jonas, while 36-year-old Chopra wished her 30 million Instagram followers a happy day, captioning the photo: “Family… forever.”
The couple have also been joined by loved ones from overseas as they prepare to wed, according to Jonas’s Instagram Stories. The singer posted a shot of him and his bride-to-be, along with his brother, Joe Jonas, and fiancée Sophie Turner, captioned “Mumbai nights”. Game of Thrones actress Turner has already been involved in the wedding build-up, having joined Chopra at her bachelorette party earlier this month in Amsterdam.
Speaking at the launch of the Tiffany Blue Book Collection in New York earlier this month, Chopra opened up about her tight bond with Jonas, revealing they were united by “love for family and faith”. “We’ve known each other for a couple of years but we dated for just a little while, but I think that’s the one thing we really connect on is our love for family and knowing faith is so important to us,” she said, according to E! News. “It’s a very different feeling I never realized that having a boyfriend and having a fiancé are completely different. It just feels different. There’s gravitas. You feel like family, which is just so different.”
We can’t wait to see all the pictures from the festivities.
Now Read: See the Palace Where Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas Will Get Married