They wed nearly two weeks ago in a lavish five-day celebration, and now Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas appear to have snuck away on a secretive honeymoon. The newlyweds, who married on December 1 and 2 in both Christian and Hindu ceremonies, have remained in the Quantico actress’s native India following the festivities, as they caught up with family, loved ones, and attended a friend’s wedding.
However, according to Chopra’s Instagram account, the two recently enjoyed a short break to soak up their “marital bliss”, the 36-year-old captioned a relaxed selfie of her and Jonas embracing. The pair are believed to have spent their honeymoon in this region, according to multiple sources, with the couple choosing Oman as the first destination to experience as husband and wife. Former Miss World Chopra told People magazine shortly after tying the knot that she and American musician Jonas would head off to a “resort somewhere in the world” soon. According to our sneaky sources, the resort in question looks remarkably like Six Senses Zighy Bay, a luxurious coastal hotel located on Oman’s northern Musandam Peninsula.
The beach resort, which is nestled among craggy mountains, is renowned for its plush spa, extensive list of thrilling activities, and dramatic scenery. However, the couple didn’t take much time for relaxing, as they were photographed arriving back at Mumbai airport on December 12 – and they attended a launch party for Bumble, a social networking app that Chopra has invested in, on December 7. “This month is filled with advertisement shoots, etc,” the star told NDTV at the app bash. “I haven’t got a clue about the honeymoon destination. I think it’ll be a surprise. My husband’s planning it.”
The newlyweds also revealed they would love to start a family, but are currently enjoying life as husband and wife for now. “We definitely want kids, and when the time is right, it will happen,” 36-year-old Chopra told People shortly after saying “I do”. “Let us be married first for a while before we have to make all these big decisions,” added pop star Jonas. “We’re in our honeymoon period right now and we will be for a very long time.”
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