Appearing on Good Morning America recently to promote his upcoming film Hot Seat, Sam Asghari opened up about his relationship with pop singer Britney Spears. The interview is the Iranian actor’s first after getting married to Spears. “The husband thing hasn’t hit me yet,” said Asghari. “It was way overdue for us,” he said referring to their recent nuptials. “We imagined this thing being a fairytale, and it was. And we wanted to celebrate with, you know, our loved ones, our close people. We wanted to just celebrate, and that’s what we did.”
Asghari also credited his wife for uplifting him in his acting career. “I didn’t really get noticed until my wife gave me this amazing platform to work with so I’m always appreciative of that,” he said on the show. “But let’s not take away from the fact that I’ve been working hard and I was already acting. I don’t take any opportunity that I have for granted and I really try to stay positive with everything that’s happening.”
The couple got married this year in June in an intimate ceremony at the singer’s Los Angeles home. When asked about Spears, Asghari shared that she was “amazing” and “doing well”. The 40-year-old was liberated from her conservatorship less than a year ago which had restricted her from getting married until then.
Asghari also discussed about his “future children” and how he hopes to make them proud someday. “I want to be able to make my children or my future children happy,” he said. “And they’ll be like, Oh that’s my dad, I want to be like my dad.’ At the end of my life, I want to be able to have a great career. But more importantly, I want people to look up to me — my loved ones, my children, my wife, things like that.”
The couple also announced that Spears was pregnant in April, but later revealed that the singer had suffered a miscarriage. Spears and Asghari have been together for five years since the pair met on the set of the singer’s video song, Slumber Party, in 2016.
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