UAE-based influencer Rania Fawaz tied the knot with long-time beau Sammer Sommers on Friday, December 13. To celebrate what was the biggest day of her life, Fawaz was joined by all of her loved ones including the It girl squad — Sarah Isa, Deema Al Asadi, Hala, and Sheena Asaf amongst others. For the ceremony, Fawaz wore a voluminous wedding gown inspired by Carrie Bradshaw’s dress in the movie SATC. Later in the day, Fawaz switched to her second look and wore a dreamy gown with a tulle skirt along with a corset designed by Emirati designer Zeena Zaki. The groom chose to match with the bride and wore a white-colored tux. During the ceremony, UAE-based singer Layla Kardan delivered a live performance where she sang Alicia Keys‘ If I Ain’t Got You.
Take a look at some of the best Instagrams from their wedding.
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