Priyanka Chopra Jonas recently opened up about her relationship with husband Nick Jonas, putting an end to the speculations about their married life. In an interview with Vanity Fair, the star addressed everything from the time when the internet assumed the couple had parted ways, to the pressure of being under public scrutiny on social media, and a future with kids.
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The Indian actor, who was crowned Miss World in 2000, and has been in the entertainment industry for close to two decades now, is no stranger to fame. However, since stepping into the American film industry and marrying singer Nick Jonas, there have been more judgemental eyes on her life than ever before. Most recently, this proved to be true when the 39-year-old decided to drop her husband’s last name from her Instagram handle in November 2021, leading the internet to jump to the conclusion that the couple had split. “It’s a very vulnerable feeling, actually, that if I post a picture, everything that’s behind me in that picture is going to be zoomed in on, and people are going to speculate,” Chopra Jonas shares.
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While she acknowledges the pressure social media can add to her daily life, she wishes to pay it no mind. Chopra Jonas adds, “It’s just a professional hazard…. Because of the noise of social media, because of the prevalence that it has in our lives, I think it seems a lot larger than it is. I think that we give it a lot more credence in real life, and I don’t think it needs that.” Jonas agrees, revealing that he has never seen his wife disturbed by the burden of fame. “We both know that public life is something that comes with what we do,” he says in the interview. “But we’ve set real boundaries around our personal lives, our privacy, and worked really hard to create that little safe haven for ourselves with our friends and family.”
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Most recently, Chopra Jonas was seen in the newly-released The Matrix Resurrections, and later this year will play the lead in the romantic drama Text for You and the Amazon series Citadel. This does not make the ambitious actor and self-proclaimed “worker bee” immune to the questions about having children with Jonas. “They’re a big part of our desire for the future,” she answers. “By God’s grace, when it happens, it happens.”
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