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Happy Birthday Hend Sabri! Here are 7 Things to Know About the Star

Hend Sabri

Hend Sabri photographed by Photoboutique for the June 2017 issue of Vogue Arabia

Tunisian actress Hend Sabri is nothing less than an icon of Arab cinema. Arriving to the city for the Dubai International Film Festival, Sabri sat on the IWC jury alongside Cate Blanchett and graced the red carpet with an air of elegance. Taking a moment to meet with Vogue Arabia, she discussed her latest projects and delivered insights into how she found success.

She is fighting the Arab stereotype. “I think we should cherish our diversity because there’s a tendency in the media or even in the movies to portray all Arab people as one. As a stereotype. I am fighting this. There is a bond, we are bonded by cultural heritage, we are bonded by language, we are bonded by religion sometimes, but what makes us unique and different is what we should cherish.”

Her latest project is aimed at the Arab digital generation. “Tayarah is a digital production company. We produce everything. Any kind of visual for the online world. Every platform now needs content. Content cannot just be created for TV or cinema, we need content for the online generation, for the Arab digital generation who like to watch their content on their device.”

When discussing new platforms in technology, she champions freedom the most. “There is more freedom. When Uber was created people felt freer. Same with Airbnb and Google Maps, you have more freedom to explore. Platforms [like Tayarah] are now giving us the freedom to watch when we want, binge watch or pause shows. We are not dictated how to watch the TV channels and by the movie theatre.”

Transparency is key for the next generation of Arab artists and actors. “Real success comes from not trying to imitate anyone or a format or a model. Real success comes from being so unique and introspective and finding what’s inside of you that you really want to convey to the world. If its fake people will know it. We need more truth and authenticity.”

She believes you are your biggest challenge. “There’s been many challenges. The biggest challenge is yourself. It always is yourself. It’s your fears. It’s what holds you, it’s what tells you don’t go there it’s an unchartered territory, it’s too risky, its new. It’s always myself that I had to overcome every time because once you overcome that fear the sky is the limit.”

She’s a fan of Cate Blanchett. Working alongside her on the IWC jury, Sabir said, “I’m such a fan she’s beautiful inside and out. She’s so humble, so down to earth. She’s got brains, she loves cinema. I enjoyed the jury discussion with her… it was a moment I will never forget.”

Her top beauty secret is sleep. “Sleep is the ultimate beauty secret. When you’ve slept and you’re rested you look fantastic even without makeup.”

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