She may have only recently joined Instagram, but it seems that Malala Yousafzai is already getting a hang of the social media platform. The Pakistan-born activist, who has uploaded three posts on Instagram since joining on her 21st birthday (it was on July 12) posted her first picture as she spent her big day in Brazil, and, shortly after, she shared a series of Instagram Stories from right here in Dubai. According to the newly minted 21-year-old’s profile, Yousafzai was enjoying a performance of La Perle at Al Habtoor City on Saturday night. Yousafzai, who is also the youngest-ever United Nations Messenger of Peace, shared a series of photographs and videos of the water-based Franco Dragone production, accompanied by a photo of the JW Marriott Marquis in Business Bay. It’s not certain whether the girls’ education activist was just passing through Dubai on a layover from Brazil, or if she’s in the city to continue her birthday celebrations, however one can presume that the youngest Nobel Prize laureate is certainly making the most of the emirate.
Yousafzai isn’t the first public figure to enjoy La Perle. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Ruler of Dubai, attended the opening show back in 2018, while Lindsay Lohan and former Brazilian footballer Ronaldinho have also been spotted at the aquatic stage show.
The Oxford University student, who was the subject of an assassination attempt by the Taliban in 2012 after speaking out about girls’ rights to attend school, was recently in Brazil advocating for girls’ rights to education. She announced that the Malala Fund, a non-profit organization to empower girls through quality secondary education, was investing around US$700,000 in education activists in the South American country. It’s not the first time Yousafzai has paid a visit to the United Arab Emirates. The 21-year-old, who currently resides in the United Kingdom, was a key speaker at the second ‘Investing in the Future’ (IIFMENA) conference in Sharjah back in 2016.
Now Read: Malala Joins Instagram to Celebrate Her 21st Birthday