November 28 marks a very special day for Lindsay Lohan. Just hours ago, the actor took to her official Instagram account to share big news with her followers—her engagement. The star’s latest post included a series of snapshots of herself with beau Bader S Shammas, but what made the post stand out was her caption: “My love. My life. My family. My future. @bader.shammas #love 💍.” Scroll to check out her diamond engagement ring, and find out more about the star’s husband-to-be.
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Who is Bader Shammas?
Reportedly of Lebanese descent, Bader Shammas is the assistant vice president at Credit Suisse, an international wealth management company based in the United Arab Emirates. Shammas and Lohan are said to have met in Dubai, where they both currently live. In February 2020, Lohan also shared a group shot on Instagram from RedFestDXB, a music festival in Dubai, with a caption that referred to Shammas as her ‘boyfriend’, but soon took the caption down, sparking rumors that the duo had parted ways. However, her latest social media album, which shows her smiling with a diamond ring on her finger, serves as proof that the couple are all set to say ‘I do’ in the near future.
In the past, Lindsay Lohan has also gone on record to describe the kind of man she’d like to marry one day, and it’s safe to say that Shammas fits the description. In Lohan’s words, her ideal man is someone “who hates the spotlight”, “doesn’t have Instagram”, and is “a smart businessman”.
What are Lindsay Lohan and Bader Shammas’s future plans?
Best known for her work in films like The Parent Trap (1998), Freaky Friday (2003) and Mean Girls (2004), Lindsay Lohan seems to have taken a break from Hollywood as of 2019. While Shammas is based in Dubai, Lohan may soon return to the United States to get back to acting, the silver screen, and may also soon launch a reality show with her siblings inspired by the much-loved ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’. After launching her second album, A Little More Personal (Raw) back in 2005, Lohan might also return to singing soon.