Laila Eloui made a thoughtful gesture on Sunday when she wished her best friend Yousra, who turned 68 on March 10, a happy birthday. The Egyptian actress took to Instagram to share a video montage of the duo with her 1.2 million followers, alongside a heart-warming caption, in which she referred to Yousra as a “blessing from God”. The short video was a compilation of clips and images of the duo singing and dancing to Abu’s “3 daqat” (which features Yousra— yes, she sings, too), photographs of them together, as well as a snippet from a 2012 interview of Yousra gushing over her best friend. The clip ended with a text against a white background that read, “Happy birthday Siva” (Siva is Yousra’s nickname, as she was born Cevine Nessim). The Egyptian friends go way back. In addition to being next door neighbors, the actors have starred together in Hussein Kamal’s 1972 film A Nose and Three Eyes.
Eloui wasn’t the only high-profile Arab star to take to the social media platform to wish the birthday girl. Egyptian rapper Bosy posted a black-and-white portrait of the actor, alongside the caption “Happy birthday Siva”.
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