The biggest issue of Vogue Arabia to date has finally landed on shelves with cover star Bella Hadid in Fendi photographed by Karl Lagerfeld in two cover shots. The region’s It girls and fashion pros have been weighing in on the coveted September offering. From Mthayel Al-Ali–who stars in the Muses of Modesty shoot alongside Saufeeya Goodson, Leena Al Ghouti, Yousra Zein, and Safiya Abdallah–to beauty influencer Fouz Al Fahad, the newly-engaged artist Yuna, and style mogul Karen Wazen B, these ladies have spoken…
In the video above, Lebanese model turned activist Jessica Kahawaty shares her reflections on this landmark moment for Vogue Arabia. Join in the chorus with #voguearabiaisme. Plus, if you’re feeling inspired read all about Jessica’s other Vogue adventures here.