Renowned British chef Jamie Oliver will pay tribute to Middle Eastern cuisine in his latest television show Jamie’s Ultimate Veg. As the name suggests, the show will see Oliver embarking on a vegetarian food adventure across the globe, taking viewers on a “whirlwind culinary tour, seeking inspiration from local everyday cooks to serve flavor-filled, mouthwatering, healthy veg dishes that draw on both traditional and modern cuisines.”
In the six-part series, the celebrity chef will travel to Jerusalem and Bethlehem, celebrating Middle Eastern cuisine through home-cooked vegetarian meals made with local tastes, flavors, and ingredients. With the series, Oliver joins the worldwide movement of heading towards plant-based and sustainable diets while highlighting the role vegetables can play when placed central to the meal, and not as a mere side-dish.
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The chef himself, however, states that the show’s purpose is not to target vegetarian and vegan food fanatics, but instead, encourage everyone to experiment with more plant-based foods. Oliver aims to bring to life unusual combinations of tastes and flavors inspired by his travels.
Traveling around the globe, the chef will seek inspiration by meeting people who will excite him with new ways to hero vegetables. The celebrity chef also visits Delhi and Jodhpur in India where he uncovers delightful delicacies from the world-celebrated Indian cuisine.
Jamie’s Ultimate Veg premieres tonight, October 6, at 8pm UAE time/7pm KSA time exclusively in the Middle East on FOX Life.
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