Dorra Zarrouk celebrated her birthday on Saturday. Though she kept her birthday celebrations private, her superstar friends were quick to share their thoughtful well wishes on Instagram. And Nelly Karim is keen to remind us, Zarrouk is “Always a shining star with a beautiful smile and kind soul.” Here, the features desk notes five facts you need to know about the talented actor and model.
#1. Despite being born in Tunisia, Zarrouk, who moved to Egypt when she was 10-years-old speaks with the Egyptian accent. However, when she visits her home country, she finds it easy to transition back into the Tunisian dialect. “I move smoothly between the two accents. Egypt is my second country, but I never forget my roots,” she said in an interview with Vogue Arabia, where she starred alongside fellow actors Nelly Karim and Yousra in an ode to Arab cinema.
#2. The actor studied law before turning to a career in cinema. Before beginning her successful acting career, Zarrouk obtained her Bachelor’s of Law at the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Tunis. In 2003, she went on to get her Master’s Degree in Political Science at Lebanon’s St. Joseph University.
#3. Though her wardrobe consists of key designer pieces by international designers, she makes a point of representing both up-and-coming and established Arab creatives with her sartorial choices. Some of her favorite Middle Eastern and North African brands include Soltana, Mohanad Kojak, and Ahmed Talfit. “Since the start of my career, I have always been inclined to support Arab designers and talent. I wear a lot of high luxury brands, yet I love to also wear something new and different. I like to support any talent out there. I am more concerned with the outfit than the brand,” she said in an interview with to Vogue Arabia.
#4. Zarrouk was named as one of the top Arab actresses of 2017 by Forbes Middle East. The Tunisian beauty made the list at number 5. Forbes Middle East determined the rankings by narrowing down the list by looking at over 500 Arab celebrities’ social media accounts. In addition to the total number of followers on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, Forbes took into account the number of years the actress has been active in the entertainment industry and other influential activities. Zarrouk followed fellow Tunisian actor Hend Sabry, and Egyptian actors Donia Samir Ghanem, Ghada Abdel Razek, and Yasmin Abdulaziz.
#5. Wearing a jaw-dropping, sparkling creation by LaBourjoisie at the 2018 Diafa Awards on Friday, Zarrouk was considered the most elegantly dressed of the evening and took home the award for The Best Dress. It was the second award the Tunisian actor received during the awards show, which took place at Atlantis, The Palm in Dubai.