They confirmed their wedding date last month, and now Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are man and wife. The Bollywood stars wed in Italy’s Lake Como on November 14 and 15, with Padmaavat actress Padukone taking to Instagram over the weekend to share her first snaps from the big day. Wearing a opulent red-and-gold sari from designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee, according to the Hindustan Times, the screen star married her long-time beau at the 18th-century Villa del Balbianello, famed for its lush, manicured gardens.
The famously private couple and frequent co-stars, who are believed to have become romantically involved six years ago, first confirmed their engagement in January. Both major acting icons in India, the two have appeared together in films such as Bajirao Mastani and Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela.
Reportedly requesting guests at their nuptials refrained from taking photographs on the big day, the two shots shared by the newlyweds are the first glimpse fans had at their wedding. Captioned with a single heart emoji, a coy Padukone didn’t share many details — though the images speak words about the apparent happiness and joy apparent present on the day.
“The destination wedding was comprised of two separate ceremonies; a Konkani Phool Muddi, meant to welcome the groom’s family into the bride’s, and a traditional Anand Karaj or blissful union,” reports. The couple have since jetted to Mumbai, where they were welcomed with cheers and well wishes at the airport.
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