Rare Beauty is officially set to launch in less than two weeks, and Selena Gomez has been adding to the excitement in an array of social media posts. Recently, she posted never-seen-before sneak peeks of the beauty line on Instagram, including behind-the-scenes shots from the brand’s photoshoot, as well as selfies of her wearing the actual products. On Saturday, the Past Life singer also posted a video on Instagram with the caption: “A few of my favorite memories from the first @rarebeauty photoshoot in January. Can’t wait for all of you to try it on September 3rd at @sephora.”
The video featured a montage of clips from the shoot, along with shots of Gomez smiling and laughing with the other models. Ahead of the launch, the official Instagram account for Rare Beauty revealed a few interesting details of its products. Alongside a picture of Gomez with her two puppies, Winnie and Daisy, the caption read: “For the past few months, you’ve all been asking… and we’re proud to share that our products will be 100% vegan and cruelty-free. Like you, we love and care for our animals too”
The 28-year-old singer had announced the project back in February. However, the pandemic pushed the line’s summer 2020 launch date, and on August 4, Gomez announced the official launch date to be September 3. In her chat with Interview Magazine, Gomez confirmed that the line will have concealer, lipstick, eyeshadow, mascara as well as 48 shades of foundation. Last month, Rare Beauty also revealed that they had taken up the task to raise USD 100 million over the next 10 years to help increase access to mental health resources. The socially conscious brand announced that 1% of their sales will go to the Rare Impact fund and that they will also try to raise these funds through donations. The Rare Impact Fund was also set up to help support the local, national, and global organizations that have a direct impact on the well-being of the community.
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