Saudi-born Palestinian twins Sama and Haya Khadra (known as @simihaze to their 472 000 Instagram followers) brought their edgy and unique style to Tokyo for yesterday’s Chanel Paris Cosmopolite Métiers d’Art show in the Japanese capital. The globe-trotting twins, who have been turning heads during Fashion Week since their first Chanel show at the age of 14, offered a refreshing dose of their cool-girl style on and off the front row.
Heading to Tokyo to attend the brand’s show, alongside Caroline de Maigret and Ellie Bamber, the twins eschewed traditional black eyeliner in favor of a wash of graphic hot-pink pigment eyes. They arrived at the fashion show sporting nail art complete with Japanese calligraphy motifs. Hair was styled with equally vivid Anpanman (Japan’s famous cartoon character) hair clips pinned to tiny baby braids, and a tweed Chanel topper over a strawberry-colored blowout. After the show, the twins joined their brother, Fai, and Chanel ambassador Willow Smith to take over the streets of Tokyo, switching into something more casual. Click through the gallery above to get the lowdown on the twins’ high-fashion escape to Tokyo.