Her sister, Kylie Jenner, has had myriad headlines dedicated to her signature pout, but Khloé Kardashian decided to put rumors about her own lips to bed before they even started. The 34-year-old star took to Instagram this week to tell her 77 million followers just why her smile looked a little fuller in the new season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, shortly before the reality TV show aired. The mother-of-one, who welcomed daughter True in April, revealed her lips were affected by her pregnancy, rather than cosmetic intervention.
“I was pregnant during the entire season of KUWTK. Some women get ‘pregnancy lips.’ I was one of them,” the new mother posted to her Instagram Stories. “So my lips look crazy and massive. Trust me I know and I hated it!” Kardashian also appealed to her fans to respect her changing shape throughout the series, adding that “most people don’t have to film during an entire pregnancy”. “Just watch the show and be kind about my growing body and lips. Pregnant women should be off limits.”
While Kardashian’s body is clearly her business, fans appreciated the star for candidly putting the record straight, shortly after half-sister Kylie revealed she has had her lip filler removed. The 20-year old, who is on her way to becoming the youngest self-made billionaire in history, told fans she had her injections dissolved on Instagram, just months after welcoming her first child, daughter Stormi, in February.
Kardashian was also forced to defend herself against rumors she has surgically altered her nose just last month, addressing speculation on Instagram. After sharing a picture of herself perched on a porch stoop, sporting an immaculate face of makeup, fans queried in the star had undergone rhinoplasty – a claim the TV star refuted in the comments. “One day I think I’ll get one because I think about it every day. But I’m scared so for now it’s all about contour,” she wrote. Kardashian also revealed that her nose spread during pregnancy (note: nose swelling during pregnancy can be caused by increased estrogen levels), and that she’s “waiting for it to go back.”
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