Leave it to Beyoncé to take the humble gym topknot to glamorous new heights — literally. On Sunday, the superstar singer shared a series of selfies taken on a private jet with her 115 million followers on Instagram, showcasing her honey-colored locks twisted into a towering, gravity-defying updo. A few wisps were pulled out of the bun to add a touch of unfussiness to the look. The hairstyle served to add inches to her height, and also acted like an instant facelift — not that Beyoncé needs one. Wearing a pink Zimmerman ensemble, Queen B elevated the hairstyle with a slick of ruby red lipstick that beautifully contrasted against her radiating, clean complexion. Meanwhile, a set of door-knocker earrings drew further focus to the attention-grabbing topknot.
Not only is the easy chignon extremely practical with the ability to pull your entire look together, but it also allows you to gather every last strand of hair from your face and neck while emitting both elegance and effortlessness. Talk about the ideal hairstyle for summer.
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