After a long week of work and meetings, there’s no better way to make the most of your weekend than some at home pampering. Made from ground-up green tea leaves, matcha is an ingredient you shouldn’t just reserve for your morning brew. Jam-packed with powerful antioxidants, it can be just as effective in your skincare routine too. One person who understands this better than most is Tania Lodi the founder of Tania’s Teahouse. Looking to the ingredient which is packed full of catechin polyphenols, she shares her top face mask recipes that will hydrate, moisturize, and sooth your skin.
You Glow, Girl
Add one tablespoon of matcha powder, one tablespoon of raw honey, and two teaspoons of aloe vera gel to a small bowl, mix and apply to your face. Honey unclogs your pores, matcha reduces redness and works its anti-inflammatory magic, and aloe vera restores your skin.
The best green tea mask for sensitive skin. Combine matcha powder, one tablespoon yogurt, and half a mashed banana. Apply to skin. Yogurt is great for sensitive skin, bananas are moisturizing, and matcha is great at fighting acne.
I find this the best face mask for problem areas, and spot control (most often referred to as your t-zone, where your skin produces the most amount of sebum- the secretion of oil). Mix four teaspoons of matcha powder, two teaspoons of honey, and one and a half teaspoons of coconut oil. Whisk the ingredients together. It should be a thick mask, however, you can add a bit of water if you find it too stiff. Apply to skin and let it sit for about 20 minutes before washing off.
An-tea Aging Elixir
Brew one cup of matcha green tea and let it cool. Mashup three strawberries and add one tablespoon of honey alongside a tablespoon of the green tea. Apply the paste to the skin and leave for 20 minutes. Green tea and strawberries both have powerful antioxidants, which aid in anti-aging and clear fine lines and wrinkles.
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